Standard Chartered Bank
Balancing Adaptability with Consistency
Defining a singular version of financial data information is being weighed against adaptability for diverse users, risk data experts are saying. Michael Shashoua hears the implications for BCBS 239 compliance
Australia Considers Utility Model for AML/KYC
A centralized utility for AML/KYC data could help financial institutions and regulators monitor fraudulent activities.
How to Succeed at Knowing Your Customer
Australian market's new platform sets an example for management of key data for anti-money laundering efforts. Wei-Shen Wong reports.
Australian Data Managers Debate Quality Concerns
Variations in definitions for processes intended to improve quality require thought about strategy and targeted attention
Standard Chartered Hires Symantec's McGuire as Group CISO
Cheri McGuire appointed as new chief information security officer, information protection and cyber security are “top priorities."
Standard Chartered Takes Stake in Chinese Datacenter Operator Chayora
The funding will provide long-term support for its datacenter construction projects in China.
KYC Data Utility Execs: ‘Convince Compliance’
Bank execs say concerns from their compliance departments are hampering their ability to leverage utilities.
KYC Data Utility Managers: "It's Compliance that Needs Convincing"
Internal teams' concerns around data security hinders adoption, Sibos attendees told
Users Demand New Data Usage Models
Firms want new ways to subscribe to and pay for data.
Operational Risk Groups Tackle Data Governance as Regulations Rise
Panel at OpRisk North America discusses how regulations like Basel have forced banks to take another look at their approach to data.
StanChart CIO Set to Retire
Verplancke to stay on until replacement found, amid wider changes at bank.
AFPIC 2014: Data Managers Highlight Need for Standards, Compliance
Lack of contract standards hinders firms' ability to switch to cheaper providers, panelists say.
Clearstream, StanChart Debut Singaporean Collateral Partnership
Firms move forward on collateral pool.
StanChart Goes Live with Collateral Highway
Bank joins Euroclear's financial network.
Sibos 2014: Forget Bitcoin; the Blockchain's the Thing
This year's Sibos event in Boston featured a notable number of panels and speakers on the topic of cryptocurrencies. Though Bitcoin expectedly got its fair share of attention, applications of its underlying technologies may hold the greater potential.
Singapore Exchange Upgrades Reporting
The exchange, working with a market practice group, is requiring completion of structured data fields to better support corporate actions reporting
Opening Cross: Testing Times? Consider Lifelong Data Learning
From the day we are born until the day we die, there are always opportunities to learn something new. Once upon a time, your learning largely ended whenever you left school, and training meant learning how not to get killed or maimed by whatever…
Standard Chartered ‘Embraces’ FISD Data Training
Singapore-based Standard Chartered Bank has adopted industry association FISD’s Financial Information Associate (FIA) certification program as its formal training standard for market data staff in its resourcing operations spread across other parts of…
Barclays Joins Swift's KYC Data Utility Project
Barclays and 10 other banks are working with Swift to establish a central source of know-your-customer data
Impactful Actions
As regulatory pressure and the complexity of derivatives increase, Nicholas Hamilton explores why and how firms should monitor the impact corporate actions have on entities with which they have relationships
Standard Chartered Hires Nelson in Hong Kong
Barnaby Nelson, previously an executive at BNP Paribas who worked on messaging standards issues, has joined Standard Chartered in a managing director role
Swift Partners with Major Banks on KYC Utility
Swift plans to launch a central utility for know-your-customer data later this year and is working with six major banks, who are sharing their views on the processes, documentation and data needed
APFIC Panel: In Buy-vs-Build Debate, Vendor Value is Key
Data sourcing professionals at financial firms want to see vendors focus less on entrenching themselves via long-term deals to retain business and more on winning and earning business through innovation and competitive pricing─though vendors say they…
Banks, Providers Failing to Innovate on Data, Says APFIC End-User Panel
Neither end-user firms nor vendors are doing enough to innovate their way out of budgetary woes towards growth, with internal cultures contributing to stagnation by not fostering creative ideas, said a panel of consumer firms at the Asia Pacific…