
Some Ideas for Sifma 2013

Sometimes good ideas fall apart over time. After all, what might have been hugely successful in the past can become played out and even unnecessary as environments change, according to Anthony.

Preparing for an Audit in the New Regulatory Regime

The 2008 financial crisis continues to drive major change in the regulatory landscape. More stringent requirements for disclosure, oversight and control are shaping how business is conducted and what is demanded of buy-side and sell-side firms. By Jayme…

Regulators Advocate Broader View of Data Systems Issues

Teresa Glasser, acting deputy director of the US Treasury Office of Financial Research, spoke about taking an overall view of data and systems issues for identifiers, in a discussion at Sifma, as Inside Reference Data editor Michael Shashoua recounts

Recording Regs Add to Big Data Burden

UK-based financial institutions have been subjected to increased regulatory scrutiny as the FSA now requires them to record and archive all SMS and voice communications. Paul Metcalfe explains how this requirement has exacerbated firms' Big Data…

Here Comes The LEI Flood

Comments, actions and discussions concerning the legal entity identifier have increased and will continue to do so as key organizations make decisions and recommendations now and in the near future

Don't Go Small on Big Data

Anthony says Big Data’s potential profits are too great for buy-side firms to ignore, and they should be leaders in developing technology that can harness it.

Open Platform: Heading for the Cloud

The cloud has been around for sufficient time for its presence to have permeated every technology-reliant industry vertical. But as Hani Suleiman explains, the financial services industry is way behind the curve in terms of its adoption and must get its…

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