The Next Big Data Debate Emerges
Having apparently settled on cloud computing as the preferred solution for big data needs, the industry is now addressing the volume and velocity of this data
Not All Attacks Are Hacks
Were the DoS attacks on Nasdaq and Bats the first wave of a greater assault to come?
Many Fingers In Many Pies
Diversification is the key for exchange growth, it seems.
Has Fatca Arrived Stillborn?
US authorities have issued proposed rules for the Foreign Accounts Tax Compliance Act (Fatca) and reached agreements with European countries for their cooperation. But will the lack of business benefits and other key allies for enforcement make it…
The Vendor Community and Data Quality
Have vendors failed to address the issue of data quality? Some hedge funds say yes.
Smashing Through The Speed Of Light
The latency debate continues unabated as we move further into 2012.
A Minnow, a Monster and the Mother of All Services Firms
Monday, February 6, was hectic—there’s no other way to describe it. It was manic, frenetic, and tiring. But it was also brilliant.
Four Horsemen of Reference Data
Legal entity identifiers are being joined by bi-temporal data, Fatca and Target-2 Securities as major issues for firms to address this year and in coming years
Greetings From the Land of the Little Master
It’s taken me four-and-a-half decades to get to India, and if the next 72 hours are anything like the first 12, the wait would have been well worth it.
Greetings From the Land of the Little Master
It’s taken me four-and-a-half decades to get to India, and if the next 72 hours are anything like the first 12, the wait would have been well worth it.
It's All Greek to Me
What would happen if Greece converted back to the drachma? Anthony explores the possibilities.
A Black Day For Europe
The blocked merger of NYSE Euronext and Deutsche Börse could have significant implications for exchange consolidation in the future.
Nothing Like a Bit of Irony to Pep Me Up
The recent electrical outages affecting Incisive Media's Broadwick Street offices are a potential catalyst for change, the endpoint of which must surely reside in the cloud.
Nothing Like a Bit of Irony to Pep Me Up
The recent electrical outages affecting Incisive Media's Broadwick Street offices are a potential catalyst for change, the endpoint of which must surely reside in the cloud.
Sarkozy's Gambit Throws Wrench in EU's Financial Transaction Tax Debate
The announcement of a French financial transaction tax hasn't gone down well, and further muddles the issue for financial services organizations and technology providers.
Sarkozy's Gambit Throws Wrench in EU's Financial Transaction Tax Debate
The announcement of a French financial transaction tax hasn't gone down well, and further muddles the issue for financial services organizations and technology providers.
Tasking For Fatca
With Fatca looking very likely, the industry will have to search for ways to handle the processing complexities the regulation will create for corporate actions
Why is Data Quality Still Such a Problem?
More than three years after Lehman's collapse, it still takes some firms days—or even weeks—to aggregate their data. Anthony says that is galling.
February 2012: Is Hardware Sexy Again?
The emphasis is generally on the software side of the business, but Victor argues that hardware is just as sexy.
The Case for Automation
IT teams are faced with supporting systems that facilitate high-speed trading where huge amounts of money hang in the balance. Overlooking even the smallest hiccup can bring the whole infrastructure to its knees. How can these increasingly complex…