Finding Profits in the Back Office
Advancements in technology and automation have allowed hedge funds to cut costs and improve efficiencies. One potential area to look at in the back office is in the area of securities lending.
IRD's Editor on Corporate Actions Automation
Inside Reference Data's recent webcast on corporate actions raises questions on automation of processing
Officer on Deck
The face of UK regulation changed yesterday.
Corporate Actions Processing's Slow Boil
A conversation about corporate actions processing raises more questions about the progress of automation
Open Platform: IP Turrets Gain Traction
Traditionally, trading turret technology has lagged behind the world of enterprise telephony. But that is beginning to change, as IP trading turrets gain acceptance thanks to a number of key drivers. By Mark Gibbons
April 2013: The Naming of Parts
Are initiatives like the investment book of record, and post-VaR risk models really new? Or, Victor asks, have the old parts simply been given new names?
James Rundle: The Third Time’s the Charm
Talk about a third iteration of the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive may be slightly premature, but it’s more than background noise at the moment. Given the weight of regulatory reform under way, James asks if the industry can take more…
Anthony Malakian: More Than Just Window Dressing
Investors are asking more pointed questions of traders and portfolio managers when it comes to risk management. Anthony hopes this will help make for a safer market.
Michael Shashoua: Solving For LEI
Those with vested interests in how the legal entity identifier implementation is carried out appear to be holding their ground, complicating the path to functionality. Michael channels a growing and raging online debate.
Max Bowie: Fighting Fragmentation: The Rising Cost of Connecting the Dots
Regulator-led trading market structure changes also require regulator-mandated changes to data consolidation. But without that—or at least, universal support from participants—Max wonders whether such initiatives are doomed to being expensive headaches…
The Road to Shorter Settlement Cycles
In March 2012, the wheels were set in motion for a pan-European Union move to shorter settlement cycles (SSC), following the publication of the proposed regulation for Central Securities Depositories Regulation for improving settlement efficiency (CSDR)…
IRD's Editor Updates LEI Developments
Industry experts are pointing out potential problems with the legal entity identifier
Open Platform: Intelligent Approaches for a Changing Sell-Side Landscape
The growth in market complexity, combined with decreasing trading volumes and an unrelenting churn in global regulation, has had a fundamental effect on traditional sell-side business models. Downward pressures on revenues are accompanied by the soaring…
The FCA Wants You to Know That It Knows Technology Exists
With the split of the UK Financial Services Authority (FSA) into two component parts rapidly approaching, one arm has released its business plan and risk outlook, where it touches on technology in strokes so broad they're almost invisible.
Mapping LEI Coordinates
Identification administrators are concerned about how the legal entity identifier can be coordinated with other key identifiers. That coordination is becoming a potential tangle in LEI implementation
The Buy Side Gets into the Vendor Business
Anthony takes notice that more-and-more buy-side firms are looking to sell their internally-built technologies. Can they compete with true third-party providers?
New Frontiers in March Towards Greater Pricing Transparency
Pricing vendors have made great changes to address their customers' demands for greater transparency into their evaluated prices, but there is no shortage of ideas for making prices even more user-friendly
Refereeing Fifty Matches at Once
When it comes to HFT, how much oversight is practical?
Be Careful What You Wish For
While many bemoan the lack of regulatory sophistication when it comes to analyzing the markets, the flip side is just as costly.
Can Windows, Samsung Make a Run at Apple in the Tablet Space?
Windows and Samsung have made moves to cut into Apple's dominance in the tablet space. Will they find any buyers on the buy side?
IRD's Editor on Trans-Atlantic Regulatory Rift
Inside Reference Data editor Michael Shashoua summarizes recent reporting about continuing conflicts over identifier and tax regulations and standards