Anthony Malakian: No Reconciling Dependency on Excel
According to some reports, 70 to 80 percent of reconciliations at major financial institutions still take place through the use of manually intensive, spreadsheet-based platforms. Anthony says that in today’s environment, this is simply unacceptable.
James Rundle: Cross-Country Marathons
Operating across regulatory jurisdictions is never easy, but in some areas, it’s practically impossible to do so efficiently. Even when regulators prove accommodating there are challenges, James says.
IRD's Editor on ISO 20022 and LEI Developments
Support for the ISO 20022 messaging standard could be wavering in the industry. In contrast, a maneuver by the US Office of Financial Research could improve the LEI's prospects
LEI Up, ISO 20022 Down
If identifier and messaging standards were stocks, adoption of the legal entity identifier would be rallying, while the ISO 20022 messaging standard dropped. Support for adoption of ISO 20022 for corporate actions messaging is not appearing as strong as…
The World is at War (Online)
Dealing with the increasing threat from cyberspace.
AIFMD Approaches
Starting Monday, AIFMD has to be written into national law throughout Europe. In this new statute, Anthony says firms can learn something from their neighbors across the pond, who had to begin filing for Form PF last year.
Derivatives Reform: Preparing for an Uncertain Data Landscape
A shift to derivatives, coupled with the creation of swap execution facilities and the potential “futurization” of swaps onto exchanges will make location key for derivatives markets and brokers seeking to bolster the value of their data, says Patrick…
IRD's Editor on Data Cost Messages From Toronto
Firms have to muster the will and resources to act on data management improvements before advancing innovations, or even compliance efforts, according to several speakers and panelists at the Toronto Financial Information Summit on July 10.
Don't Worry Guys, We've Got This
Batman and Robin to rescue derivatives from regulatory arbitrage.
The Road To Value From Data
Costs and resources for data management take precedence in reference data, so firms must develop a palette of strategies, centralization, sourcing and prioritization to make the most of what they have to work with
Has PRISM Changed Perceptions of Cloud Security on Wall Street?
Anthony wonders if CIOs are a bit more concerned about the security of their data after the National Security Agency (NSA) leaks, and the resulting spotlight shined on the PRISM and Tempora internet surveillance programs, first reported by The Guardian…
IRD's Editor on July Issue Features
Solvency II and Fatca regulation developments, along with the applications of metadata figure prominently in industry discussions reported in the July 2013 issue of Inside Reference Data
All I Ask is a Tall Ship and a Star to Steer Her By
A little high concept with your high technology.
Where the Data Buzz Is
Data management developments and discussions breathed life into last month's Sifma Tech Expo.
IRD's Editor on Basel's Mixed Messages
The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision's latest guidance on Basel III capital adequacy requirements finds the regulator suddenly getting strict.
Cost and Complexity for Asian Tigers
It’s trading, Jim, but not as we know it.