Nobody Reads These Things Anyway, Right?
Deutsche's FCA penalty leads this week's coverage.
September 2014: Change Is the Only Constant
Machine learning and artificial intelligences are reshaping algorithms into adaptive programs that can adjust on the fly, which Victor says could end up all but eradicating losses.
Opening Cross: You Can Teach an Old Dog New Tricks... But New Tricks Still Need Old Dogs
It takes a certain blend of skills to combine the experience that comes with age and the dynamism of youth. For eternity, mankind has tried both to put old heads on young shoulders, and find ways to teach old dogs new tricks and recapture the energy and…
Supply Chain Fundamentals
Before aspiring to innovate in data management with the cloud or big data, firms would do well to examine their data supply chains, the basic resource that supports golden copy
BlackRock's Aladdin: More Powerful Than Politics?
Bold, hyperbolic statements about technology are commonplace in 2014, whether reveling in its potential or damning its influence. Tim examines one such argument that takes the latter bent, relating to BlackRock's massive Aladdin platform.
Little Boxes
One of the big perks of this job is the amount of people that you get to meet and speak to, all over the world. A case in point was talking to the president of the Taiwan Stock Exchange this morning, last week it was a conversation with a technology…
Kilburn's Comment: Fear is What Keeps Us on the Plateau
As anyone who has tried to get in shape will know, there comes a point in any exercise regime when our bodies start to get used to whatever form of exercise (or torture) we are subjecting it to. Those ten pushups that left you sweating and shaking and…
Selling the Vision of IBOR
The recent fascination by the financial media and others with all things investment book of record, or IBOR for short, has perhaps begun to dilute and even cloud many of the positives around why the concept ever evolved in the first place.
Gaining Momentum, In Two Flavors
A new analytics product focused on momentum trading leads this week's content, while a different kind of confidence, and some welcomed calmness, settles in as the second EMIR reporting deadline hits.
Data and Gut Feelings
During summer vacations, IRD's editor finds some lessons for data management in the world of fantasy football, as the fall season nears for both businesses
Breaking Down the Doors
China Connect, algorithm libraries and the Buy-Side Technology Awards lead this week's coverage.
Opening Cross: Sun, Summer, and the Pursuit of the ‘Simple’ Life
The world of market data is encumbered by a multitude of complexities. Not only is the business of data complex, but so is the data itself, and so too are the underlying markets and instruments that require such complex datasets. So key to preventing…
Can Tier-One Sell Sides Adopt a Buy-Side Mentality?
Quite often, obvious technical differences are highlighted between the largest global investment banks and the smaller buy-side shops who are their clients. Does a proclivity for that kind of thinking ultimately hold them back? Tim tries out a football…
Fingers Crossed for a Smooth Ride This Time
Incoming EMIR requirements and patent trolls lead this week's coverage
Opening Cross: Enterprise Messaging to Enterprise Management—It’s About Broadening Appeal
Pity my colleagues in London: Last Tuesday, workmen severed an ISDN cable in the street outside our office, cutting off all internet, phone, email and server access. Then on Wednesday, an explosion at an adjacent power sub-station forced a building…
Quest For Data Quality
Pursuing data quality requires consideration of big data, data tools and resources, error correction and getting various interests to work together. Recent Inside Reference Data stories explore all these factors.
James Rundle: Rise of the Machines
While it’s popular to think of artificial intelligence as the harbinger of doom for humanity, James says AI has definite, critical applications for modern financial technology.
Leaving Room at the Start-Up Pond’s Edge
Can financial technology start-ups benefit from the Silicon Valley ethos, or are funding and mentoring programs modeled after other technology verticals more window dressing than the real deal? Tim Bourgaize Murray reflects on the nature of help in a…
Michael Shashoua: Protecting Valuable Data
Recognizing the increasing value of data, and with more worthwhile data being discovered or generated every day, cloud computing resources could aid in managing that data. Michael explores the parameters under which firms can do this securely and with…
Max Bowie: Colleagues, Consolidators, Where Are They Now?
As Waters bids farewell to one colleague and welcomes a new one in his place, Max wonders where the vendors have gone from the data industry’s glory days, and who will replace them.
August 2014: Start Me Up
There are no prizes for anyone identifying the August issue of Waters as the “start-up” issue. That is down to coincidence as opposed to design. Marina Daras travelled to Israel recently with the view to visiting a number of the country’s technology…
Rise of the Machines
Machine learning and the Waters Rankings lead this week's coverage.