Electronic-Level Events
The phasing-out of fixed-income dinosaurs is underway, but is it a good thing?
Opening Cross: All About That Data
This week, I had the pleasure of helping out on two of Inside Market Data’s stablemates at Incisive Media, ClickZ and Search Engine Watch, and realized that while we serve different markets and audiences, there’s a lot of crossover in terms of themes…
APFIC Issues Preview
BCBS 239, LEI Questions Featured on Agenda
Tim Bourgaize Murray: Getting the ‘Easy’ Parts Right
Knowing your customer is a hassle—a mundane, laborious process both for bank and client supplying profile details, alike. Tim discusses why fixing the problem is immensely important, and why it’s become so very difficult to do.
Michael Shashoua: Valuable Parallels
Recognition of the value of data in consumer-facing industries has been booming. Michael says the financial services industry’s awareness of data’s value preceded this, but challenges and battles over that value still lie ahead.
Max Bowie: The Next ‘Big’ Thing: Big Service
Data has far-reaching uses beyond the split-second trade, including promoting flow by delivering better service. So, to celebrate data’s role in customer service, please allow Max to uncork a Balthazar of big data.
James Rundle: Fixed Income’s Meteor Moment
With the recent glitches in the fixed-income market that brought about something of a Flash Crash, many now believe that a move toward fully electronic fixed-income trading will solve many of the issues we’ve seen over the past few years. But while the…
November 2014: The Trials of Life
Being a start-up in the capital markets is no easy feat. It's important to innovate without scaring off clients that can free fledgling firms from their investors, Victor says.
China Will Open Up, Just Not Yet
Stock Connect and fixed income lead this week’s coverage.
Weaving Data Fabrics
Advanced Intelligence, As Seen In Movies, Suggests Chaos
Opening Cross: Raising the ‘Standard’ in Terms of Cooperation
So, the industry may soon have a new standard protocol for market data distribution: and not simply a de facto standard co-opted based on existing uptake, but one specifically designed for market data needs that albeit incorporates the speed and…
Cyber-security: Preparing for Accountability
Investors are a hedge fund's lifeblood, entrusting their most confidential, personal data to the financial advisors who manage their assets.
Drawing Thick Lines
A Rimes Roundtable moderated by Waters this week highlighted the reasons buy sides should consider outsourcing data management as part of broader institutional transformation around the problem. The rub? Keeping everyone in line.
Conflicts of Perception
The race leaders for CAT, T+2 and clearing-house woes lead this week's coverage.
Opening Cross:‘Big Data’ Is Really About ‘Big Service’
In today’s financial markets, we think of Big Data as collecting, processing and analyzing enormous quantities of information that are not traditional market data, but which may nevertheless impact prices and the markets as a whole. Much like “cloud,”…
Battles Over Data's Value
Debate about privacy and value of retail consumer data illustrates similar issues with financial industry data. Financial services firms and proponents of open standards are seeking ways to break others' grips on valuable data
Shock Absorption After a Wild Week
Down equity markets this week signaled the return of significant volatility for the first time in a couple years, testing the industry's ability to deal with shocks as flight to safe assets ramped up. But more than ever, this includes an active posture…
Table-Top Crises
The US and UK roll to see who goes first in today's wargames.
Opening Cross: Will Cost Concerns Neuter Future Litters of CATs?
Belgian beer-maker Stella Artois’ long-running “Reassuringly Expensive” ad probably didn’t win fans among market data managers, who continue to shudder at the thought of any kind of cost increase.
BST North America Roundup: Staying Secure, HFT Mayhem
Another successful iteration of Buy-Side Technology North America came and went this week. Tim wraps up BST's coverage of the event, and ponders the explosive mood at one panel in particular.
CDO Advocacy and Influence
Chief data officers, now more established at their firms throughout the industry, are weighing in on how to pursue higher data quality by several means. Will they address the legal entity identifier next?
The Leveling of Bitcoin
A documentary film about Bitcoin, given exposure at the Sibos conference, doesn't get around to the elements of the cryptocurrency that could actually find their way into financial industry operations reality