Trading Tech
MarketAxess Expands Match to Wider User Base
MarketAxess has announced that its MarketAxess Trade Crossing Hub (Match) now offers a wider range of single-name credit-default swaps (CDS) to a larger universe of potential institutions.
AltExchange Publishes PE Data Standard
The alliance of more than 45 private equity general partners (GPs) and limited partners (LPs) says it has wrapped up work on the Group One standard, a detailed template for exchange of capital account, investment schedule, and cash flow activity data.
OptionsCity Unveils Global Hosting Service
OptionsCity has launched OptionsCity Hosting, a global hosting solution for its flagship trading software.
MAT Design Seen as Strange by FCMs, SEFs
Panelists on a recent Waters webcast regarding the future of over-the-counter (OTC) derivatives reform discussed the US Made Available to Trade (MAT) rules, saying that the design of the regulation was perplexing.
Keler Taps SIX for Settlement and Custody Services
Swiss post-trade services provider SIX Securities Services has signed an agreement with Hungarian central securities depository (CSD) Keler to optimize Keler’s international settlement and custody capabilities.
IRD's Senior Reporter on the FCA's Review of Outsourcing
Nicholas Hamilton discusses calls from the UK's Financial Conduct Authority for asset managers to develop better contingency plans in case one of their third-party service providers fails
IEX Taps Redline Ticker NBBO Feed for Price Matching
Mutual fund-owned alternative trading system IEX Group has confirmed it is using Woburn, Mass.-based low-latency data technology provider Redline Trading Solutions' InRush 3 hardware-accelerated ticker plant to capture US equity market data to support…
Exegy Grows FX Coverage with Bloomberg, Currenex, Gain Feed Handlers
St. Louis, MO-based low-latency feed handler and data platform appliance vendor Exegy has rolled out new feed handlers for foreign exchange trading platforms Bloomberg Tradebook, Currenex ITCH and Gain GTX within its Exegy Ticker Plant to expand its…
Outsourced But Not Out of Mind
The UK's asset management industry has responded to regulators' concerns about managing risks associated with outsourcing, but continued change will be needed in the years to come
Data Lineage, Credit Management Lead iLevel 6.5 Enhancements
The platform provider to private investors has updated its flagship private capital data platform to reflect the range of new clients' needs as well as their investors' greater data demands.
LCH.Clearnet's CDSClear Now Handling Single-Name CDS
LCH.Clearnet has announced that its credit-default swap (CDS) clearing service, CDSClear, will now offer single-name CDS clearing.
VWD Preps Metals App for iPhone, iPad
Frankfurt-based data vendor VWD will this week launch a new iPhone and iPad app for metals traders, in a move designed to meet increasing demand from its desktop users for more targeted mobile products.
Hard Shell, Soft Center: Waters Panelists Talk Information Security
Three buy-side chief technologists told the audience at Waters USA in New York on Monday that managing information security is like rummaging through a box of mystery chocolates—only less sweet.
Conning Turns to Markit for Depth and Scope of Corporates Pricing
Conning, an $82 billion Hartford, Conn.-based global asset manager, holds a majority of its assets, much of them on behalf of insurance clients, in bonds. In switching to Markit's pricing service, Conning's chief data officer Brian Baczyk says the…
WFE Creates Global Cybersecurity Committee
The World Federation of Exchanges (WFE) has announced the formation of a new committee tasked with developing best-practice guidelines for information security when it comes to market infrastructures.
Commerzbank Taps Regis-TR for Trade Reporting
Commerzbank, has selected European trade repository Regis-TR to ensure its trade reporting service is in line with the European Market Infrastructure Regulation (EMIR) obligation to report over-the-counter and listed derivative transactions.
SIA-Colt Wins Monte Titoli T2S Connection Mandate
The SIA-Colt partnership will connect Italian central securities depository (CSD) Monte Titoli to the Target2-Securities (T2S) platform for the first wave of migration, the firms have announced.
Banks Consolidating Screen Real Estate on Their Platforms, Says Waters USA Panel
The three keys to real estate are location, location, location. The three keys to keeping customers on your front end technology? Real estate, real estate, real estate. As in, screen real estate. There's only so much space to go around, and any provider…
Daiwa Europe Transfers Repo Business to Torstone’s Inferno
Torstone Technology, a London-based provider of derivatives processing software, announced it has migrated Daiwa Capital Markets Europe’s clearance and settlement repo business onto its back-office processing platform, Inferno.
Calypso Extends Clearing Solution to Support SEF Connectivity
Software vendor Calypso Technology has announced it has extended its over-the-counter (OTC) clearing solution for end-users to support swap execution facility (SEF) connectivity.
Collateral Transformation, Agency Execution to Reinforce Swap Dealers' 'Stickiness'
As the buy side ramps up simulation of electronic swaps execution ahead of next year, panelists say old questions remain about what sell-side services will gain steam, and which are technologically feasible at all.
Collateral Transformation, Agency Execution to Reinforce Swap Dealers' 'Stickiness'
As the buy side ramps up simulation of electronic swaps execution ahead of next year, panelists say old questions remain about what sell-side services will gain steam, and which are technologically feasible at all.
Markham to Head Updata's Houston Office
UK-based technical analysis software vendor Updata has named William Markham senior vice president of business development at of the vendor's new office in Houston, Texas, which is due to open in early 2014 to meet the needs of a growing customer base in…
SpryWare Adds Data to Cloud Ticker Plant
Chicago-based low-latency feed handler and ticker plant provider SpryWare has expanded its Proximity Cloud hosted ticker plant to include full order book data, including 45 days of historical full order book data and a calculated top-of-book price, with…