
Case-Based Reasoning: Drilling Deeper

After a summer of monumental systems errors, the din of voices begging for imaginative reform in IT risk is steadily growing. Tim Bourgaize Murray searches the frontier of artificial intelligence and infrastructure-dependent industries like energy for…

Corporate Bonds' Brave New World

With the market structure for corporate bonds in flux, Tim Bourgaize Murray finds that good ideas abound, and greater automation may bring some empowerment to the buy side. But in this fragmented market, even technology can’t completely quell the…

Target2-Securities: Give and Take

Work on the Target2-Securities project, the pan-European settlement platform developed by the European Central Bank, continues to gather pace ahead of its 2015 launch date. What will it mean for central securities depositories, which are outsourcing…

Conquering Form PF

Form PF, requiring US funds managing at least $150 million to submit an unprecedented amount of data to the SEC, came into effect in 2010 as part of Dodd–Frank, and the deadlines are now starting to kick in.

The Risk FIX: Technologists Eye FPL Risk Guidelines

In June, FIX Protocol Ltd. released a new batch of risk-control guidelines for futures and options contracts executed via algorithms and direct market access, notably setting out a framework for pre-order acceptance checks. Tim Bourgaize Murray finds…

Dark Pools Rising

Off-book trading remains a fundamental part of the trading landscape, despite the best efforts of regulators to force dark trades into the open. By Steve Dew-Jones

James Rundle: Aussie Rules

The Australian financial regulator has become the latest to weigh in on high-frequency and automated trading, publishing its own set of proposals. Along with various other agencies, market events, and near-misses with certain brokers, James Rundle argues…

Max Bowie: Stemming the Tech Gold Rush

New York City mayor Mike Bloomberg wants to attract technologists to New York by creating facilities to rival Silicon Valley. But, says Max, New York will have to compete on multiple levels that have traditionally given the West Coast an edge.

Michael Shashoua: Global LEI Nuances

The work of regulators concerning the legal entity identifier standard is becoming more mismatched with the changed definition of what will be completed in March. This development makes possible a significant gap in progress on the LEI between the US and…

SaaS vs. IaaS: Do the Evolution

Some consider software-as-a-service not a mere alternative to infrastructure-as-a-service, but an evolutionary outgrowth of it. As SaaS adoption grows, firms want to make sure they can still stand out from all the other users of utility services. By Jake…

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