
MAT Design Seen as Strange by FCMs, SEFs

Panelists on a recent Waters webcast regarding the future of over-the-counter (OTC) derivatives reform discussed the US Made Available to Trade (MAT) rules, saying that the design of the regulation was perplexing.

Panel: Grasp Opportunities of Regulatory Complexities

The raft of current and upcoming regulations is creating opportunities as well as challenges for trading and investment firms in the Asia-Pacific region, though many outside of the largest firms are still not prepared for the data complexities and…

The March of LEI Progress

The legal entity identifier still has its hurdles to clear for full implementation, as panelists in an October 18 webcast acknowledge. Michael Shashoua reports their concerns about private-public cooperation, federated system structure and onboarding and…

HSBC, Citi Contend With Standards Variations

Data management professionals continue to face multiple data standards that prove challenging when trying to achieve consistency. Michael Shashoua explores how semantic data is proving useful to aggregating data generated under these different standards.

Three FCMs Join MarkitSERV Credit Centre

Citi, Bank of America Merrill Lynch (BAML) and Goldman Sachs have signed up to MarkitSERV Credit Centre, Markit's pre-trade credit-checking facility for over-the-counter (OTC) derivatives transactions.

Governing Data Governance

High-level data officers are being tasked with development of data governance frameworks. Michael Shashoua hears about some of the methods they are using to set up complete systems.

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