Master and Commander
Getting to grips with Emir.
Opening Cross: This Valentine’s Day, Love Is in the Air… Or Is It Just More Snow?
Max harks back to the glory days of winter sports, and discusses how vendors are dealing with challenges of Olympic proportions in today's challenging markets.
Headaches Abound for UTI Generation, EMIR Reporting
On February 12, as part of the European Market Infrastructure Regulation (EMIR), buy-side firms began producing unique trade identifier (UTI) data, as have their sell-side counterparts. A choppy start could leave many smaller hedge funds and corporates…
Responsibility for operation of an Investment Book of Record (IBOR) will have to be shared by front and back offices, with both keeping their eye on the data deposited and withdrawn from the system
EMIR and Wikis: A Wealth of Data
Reporting requirement aspects of European EMIR regulation are spurring service provider offerings, along with concerns about legal entity identifier issuance. Also, wikis present a data sourcing choice for the industry.
The Devil is in the Data
It all sounds rather impressive, doesn’t it? I mean, Quantum Dawn, Waking Shark; these large-scale simulations of cyber-assault on the infrastructure of the City and Wall Street.
Opening Cross: Market Data at the Movies
They say art imitates life. But does the art form of movie-making imitate data?
For IBOR, Pick a Definition and Stick To It
For firms that embark on an investment book of record (IBOR) implementation, the first step is to develop a clear internal definition of what an IBOR is, because an industry consensus does not exist.
IRD's Senior Reporter on Wiki's Role in Data Management
Nicholas Hamilton discusses how wiki technology can be used for data management in the financial industry
Time to Set Data Quality in Motion
Most data governance programs pay inadequate attention to the quality of data when it is motion, but this oversight can be corrected, writes Angsuman Dutta, senior vice president of professional services at Infogix
Spreadsheets and the Challenge of Model Risk Management
Modern businesses rely heavily on models for a wide range of applications, such as risk management, valuations, and reporting. The challenge is that large numbers of firms have failed to fully grasp that many models are based on, or make use of,…
Keep Calm and Route Order Flow
Talk about snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. Our American readers will, of course, only be concerned with one sporting result this weekend: Seattle’s thrashing of Denver in New Jersey last night. For those of us on this side of the Atlantic,…
Opening Cross: Want Ketchup and Mustard on Your Data Dog?
What do sausages and market data have in common? A complex mix of ingredients, a balancing act of flavors to satisfy any hunger, a list of tasty add-ons, and a ravenous consumer base. So dig in!
In Every Challenge Lies an Opportunity
Ongoing problems with the management of counterparty risk create opportunities for data and technology vendors to innovate and expand their services
February 2014: In Praise of the Corporate Plodder
I’m not sure whether there’s a formal name for them – a quick Google search suggests that my hunch is spot-on – but I regularly use a collective term to describe the drones of the business, the worker bees, the foot soldiers: corporate plodders.
James Rundle: There and Back Again
In January, European political authorities provisionally agreed on a package of reforms to securities markets that will have deep consequences for financial services firms. As the technical work can now get underway, James looks at the challenges ahead…
Anthony Malakian: Learning Lessons
Anthony’s dad taught him a lesson from his own career: Sometimes great ideas come from unexpected places. It’s good, therefore, to always listen and be open to new ideas.
Nicholas Hamilton: Surprise, Surprise
The nominations for the board of directors of the Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation include some surprises and clues about the form the Central Operating Unit might take, writes Nicholas Hamilton.
Max Bowie: This Valentine’s Day, Why Not … Break Up?
Any recipe for success involves a combination of ingredients. But sometimes recipes taste better when a few toxic ingredients are removed. And with everyone looking to be disruptive in 2014, Max notes that you don’t make a disruption omelet without…
Silicon Valley's Stinging—Why Banks' CTOs Should Take Notice
News out of Silicon Valley took a decidedly rocky turn in the past week, with two pioneers of disruptive technology getting arrested and shunned, respectively. Soul searching has ensued. There are practical and personnel reasons why this will—and won't…
Plug and Play
In the course of my job, I primarily speak with technologists. That is to say, the people who actually do the implementations in firms, and who are involved in the purchase, decision making and the due diligence.