The EDM/MDM Challenge
Master data management could fit together with enterprise data management to shore up the weaknesses of that approach
SEF Situation: As MiFID II Looms, Harmonization Necessary
Dan DeFrancesco introduces himself and talks about the impending MiFID II deadline and what kind of impact it will have on SEFs.
November 2015: How to Eat an Elephant
Victor says that as data continues to dominate the headlines in the capital markets, data management is a huge challenge that needs to be addressed.
Max Bowie: Strategic Data Assets Need Solid Governance Foundations
As data and the demands made upon it become more complex and integral to firms’ core business functions, Max argues that their data governance processes must become stronger and more structured.
MiFIR Casts Ominous Shadow on European Horizon
MiFID II and MiFIR will subject investment firms to more stringent trade reporting requirements. Brian Collings outlines the impact.
Data Management and Governance Seeing Processing Transformations
New platforms and approaches in evidence, for regulatory compliance and trading operations support
Opening Cross: Beyond Evaluations, Will Buyout Put Interactive Data on ICE?
If ICE is most interested in IDC's evaluated pricing business, what happens to the rest of the data vendor?
The Internet of Things and How to Manage Data ... The Challenge Looms
Data lakes may help to tackle the IoT challenge.
Should Major Buy Sides Slim Down?
In a long-anticipated move, Credit Suisse was the latest investment bank to announce major cutbacks this week. Tim ponders whether certain fund management giants — especially running mutual funds — should be thinking the same way.
Opening Cross: ‘Where We’re Going, We Don’t Need Roads’
Even with the best tools, predicting the future can still be hit-or-miss.
IRD's Editor Recaps Sibos
Surprises abounded concerning ISO 20022 messaging, KYC and the LEI
Requiem For Sibos
Annual financial messaging and standards conference yielded unexpected turns on key topics like ISO 20022, KYC and instrument identifiers
Opening Cross: It’s Not What You’ve Got, It’s the Way that You Use It
Storing data isn't the same thing as managing or governing data.
Divorcing Bitcoin From Blockchain
Anthony says first we need to make clear, once and for all, that 'bitcoin' and 'blockchain' are not used interchangeably.
What Price Paradise?
Capital markets firms must move in an enterprise-wide risk management direction.
Everybody's a Data Storage Company Now
Reflecting on Google's Symphony Stake, Dell's EMC gambit.
IRD's Editor on Data Management Milestones
October issue stories note meaning of recently achieved industry milestones
Control and Automation
Ownership of data seen as large factor in achieving data quality
Mila Should Take a Page Out of Nasdaq Nordic’s Book
Dan DeFrancesco compares Nasdaq Nordic to Mila and wonders why one has succeeded while the other has failed.
Opening Cross: Disrupt or Die (Or Rather, Prepare to Be Disrupted)
Disruptive technologies can bring direct and indirect advantages, if you embrace them.
Time In A Bottle
Pivotal changes happening for data utilities, cloud resources and compliance
What's Hot at BST North America
Tim recaps this year's event.
Max Bowie: Are You a Governator?
While the ideas of managing and governing something may initially sound the same, there’s a logistical and practical chasm between them. However, as the post of chief data officer evolves, Max says new approaches are bridging—if not closing—the chasm.
Michael Shashoua: Message Received
Know-your-customer data concerns have registered a greater presence on the industry’s radar, as seen in the agenda for Sibos this month. Michael Shashoua analyzes what efforts KYC data will require, and how communication can be crucial to data governance…