Michael Shashoua: Question Time for Mifid II Opponents
The industry’s likely successful effort to postpone Mifid II’s compliance deadline by a year to January 2018 is only a temporary salve for a lack of effort on straightening out data management, which could have made the lobbying unnecessary, Michael…
Max Bowie: Are Vendor Buys Putting Traditional Exchange Business on ICE?
With the recent acquisitions of Interactive Data and Trayport, does Intercontinental Exchange see its future as a vendor, or, Max wonders, does it see controlling the entire trade flow as the future?
December 2015: Agile: Beneficial But Not Without Its Pitfalls
While the agile development method is not perfect, Victor says there are plenty of positives for firms that use it wisely.
Intelligent Innovation: Regulations Offer Way to Innovate
Dan looks at why regulations that force firms to innovate isn't necessarily a bad thing for the industry.
Robomania's Robust Rise
How much should institutional investors look into the fresh influence of robo-advisors?
Opening Cross: The Easiest Way into the Data Party: 'I’m With Him'
Sometimes the best way to target another vendor's audience is to work with that vendor.
Morphing IBOR Into Something Broader
A new consultancy report proposes a new way of thinking about the investment book of record concept
Security, Accessibility and 'Holding a Mirror to It'
Reflecting on one of the year's biggest questions, technical and political.
Spoofing: Defining the Indefinable
Dan DeFrancesco looks at the recent spoofing verdict and discusses, with some perspectives of those in the industry, why it’s such a difficult thing to define.
Is MiFID II Deadline Delay Justified?
Firms seemingly still have enough time to prepare for January 2017
IRD's Editor on Data Processing Transformation
Data processing challenges can be met by finding common traits in data, whether in corporate actions, evaluated pricing or otherwise
Opportunities (Let's Get Lots of Data)
Regulations are opening up opportunities for firms' data operations departments
Outsourced CCOs, Back Under the Microscope
A recent dispatch from the SEC's OCIE highlighted concerns about the rise of outsourced compliance chiefs.
MiFID II Delay: When in Doubt, Play the Technology Card
Anthony says this delay is no surprise. Expect the same arguments to be made this time next year.
Tullett Prebon, Icap and Understanding When to Cut Ties
Dan DeFrancesco dissects the potential Tullett Prebon-Icap deal and talks about why the former would be better off getting away from the voice broker business.
Opening Cross: Utilities Will Get Data Management Out of the Closet… And to the Dry Cleaners
Why duplicate efforts that don't add value?
Open Platform: The Very Long Engagement of Market Data and Big Data
The industry is finally recognizing the big use cases for Big Data
Let's Have a Real Conversation
Just as services can be shared, so should expertise about the industry. Cutting through spin, albeit carefully, has value
Optimal Integration: Adding Reference Data Utilities to Your Data Management Workflow
Adam Cottingham outlines the key steps to integrating a reference data utility to optimize your data management strategy
Third Time’s the Charm?
Can the SPReD reference data utility succeed where others before it have floundered?
When Zombie Aerostats (or IT Projects) Attack!
What can buy-side technologists learn from a runaway blimp?
Anthony Malakian: The Swimmers in the Lake
As data lakes gain traction on Wall Street, Anthony says that skilled programmers with knowledge of big data analysis and cleansing will become increasingly valuable.
Tim Bourgaize Murray: A Heady Debate at the Intersection of Bitcoin and Blockchain
Tim reflects on the state of conversation around the not-so-new distributed ledgers.
Michael Shashoua: Why Quality Should Be Job One
Ensuring adherence to certain data quality standards has become the prerequisite for information, including know-your-customer data and evaluated pricing. Michael explains the foundations being built.