Change for the Good
Waters has changed. But it's all good – we've 'folded in' Buy-Side Technology and Sell-Side Technology (previously known as Dealing with Technology) to the all new Waters and we've also just launched a new website underpinned by a recently-developed…
Opening Cross: Spotting the Right Opportunity
Last week's crisis in the Greek economy followed by a nosediving-then recovering-Dow Jones Industrial Average must have prompted concerned investors to wonder whether this slow and painful financial recovery might yet crumble beneath their feet.
Kiss Your Naked Access Goodbye
Listening to the talking heads on television, it seems as if the performance of the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) index last Thursday means the world is coming to an end. No, it's not. The national market structure has rules and procedures in place…
Opening Cross: The Technology Trickle-Down-and Up-Effect
Although Inside Market Data does not directly cover the retail financial markets, it can sometimes prove interesting to examine how developments in one market drive trading trends in the other, and how technologies or content created with a specific user…
The New Spring Fashion
A couple of weeks ago, I mentioned that Dealing with Technology would be going through some major and exciting changes in the coming months and I want to provide a sharper picture of what that will entail.
Up Close and Personal
It is no longer enough to be supplied with basic reference data. Firms must know the inputs used to form the data record, as well as how, by whom and when it was last validated, says Markit's Ross E. Chapman
Surveillance's Painful Proposition
Last week at during its board of governors meeting, the Security Traders Association (STA)-a U.S.-based advocacy organization for securities traders-responded to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission's (SEC's) concept release on market structure.
Opening Cross: Living on the ‘Edge'
The greater the noise, the harder it is to make yourself heard: According to the latest figures from the Financial Information Forum, equity exchange feeds continue to set record volumes. So at a time when firms are swamped with volumes of market data…
The Times They Are A-Changing
Now that we have reached mid-April, everyone should be inundated with commencement announcements from friends, family and those distant relations fishing for graduation gifts. Soon we will be in school auditoriums, gymnasiums or on the front lawn…
Opening Cross: The Case for the Defense
One of the beneficial results of the credit crunch and financial crisis is that the financial industry has begun focusing on-and being more critical of-the quality of data it receives, especially in those instances where the price or value of an…
Opening Cross: Is the Pad Just a Fad, or Should BlackBerry Beware?
No sooner does Apple invent something new to distract us from the daily grind of work than someone else invents a way to force our work back in front of us, using that very distraction to do it.
A Little Spring Cleaning
Now that spring has finally arrived in the northern hemisphere, it is the perfect time to do a little spring cleaning-opening up the windows, airing out the house and hosing down the garden furniture. With dual announcements of new processors from Intel …
Opening Cross: Pumping Up the Volume Isn't Anti-Social
Do social media applications have a place in the world of market data? Those re-engineering their applications to resemble Web technologies that today's generation of professionals just entering the market will be familiar with might say yes. But can you…
All Change
Call Me Sentimental ...
Streaming Quotes
Waiting for the Cloudburst
The Daly Close
Risk Tech Under Review
Open platform
Will History Repeat Itself?
Open Platform
Liquidity Risk Compliance: a Liability or an Opportunity?
The need for liquidity is a major factor in financial institutions' compliance with Basel II. An awareness of exactly how much capital is held in reserve is crucial. DataFlux's Colin Rickard examines the requirements in more detail
Best sourcing: buying in what you can't do without
In the wake of the downturn, financial institutions are relying on their trading and compliance technology to support their businesses in more ways than ever before. They need it to be robust enough to deal with the rigours of an increasingly complex…
Hedge fund fault lines
Currency speculators and their benefactors in the financial industry have been getting what they would call a 'bum rap' lately following the Greek debt crisis. But bad press may prove a mere tip of the iceberg if recent sabre-rattling by certain European…