Data Management
BvDEP Mints New Products, Partners
Belgian data provider Bureau van Dijk Electronic Publishing (BvDEP) last week launched a range of new regional variations of its MINT company information database, and announced a partnership with UK-based Perfect Information to make original source…
LSE, Borsa Italiana Detail New Structure
The London Stock Exchange and Borsa Italiana outlined the combined management structure for its information services division and other business areas via an internal communication last week, following the merger of the two exchanges in October.
AgriCharts Targets Commodities Data
Chicago-based derivatives data and charting provider has set up a new business division to provide data products and Web site hosting for agricultural commodities and futures products, officials tell Inside Market Data .
Roberts Group to Bolster Reporting Engine
The Roberts Group is planning to introduce new functions for tracking and analyzing data usage next year, using technologies incorporated into its FITS (Financial Information Tracking System) data cost and inventory management system earlier this year.
George Weiss Installs Aleri CEP Engine
Hartford, Conn.-based multi-strategy investment manager George Weiss Associates is deploying complex event processing technology to perform calculations on real-time market data in the face of rising data volumes, officials tell Inside Market Data .
FTSE, Dow Prep ICB Adds
The Industry Classification Benchmark, the company and security classification system developed by FTSE and Dow Jones Indexes, is making changes to the sector levels by which it defines companies, to reflect demand for greater granularity on companies in…
TTN Debuts Web NewsStation
Trade The News, a New York-based provider of real-time news to end users including traders at hedge funds, prop desks and day traders, last month began beta testing a Web-based version of its NewsStation news and commentary display product with clients,…
Tokyo Raises Message Capacity
The Tokyo Stock Exchange increased the capacity of its market data system by 10 percent last Monday, Nov. 26, from 30,000 to 33,000 messages per minute, ahead of a more comprehensive systems overhaul set to take place in the next two years.
CBOE to Limit Member Quoting
The Chicago Board Options Exchange will this week introduce a system to ensure compliance with the exchange's rules governing the appointments of market makers by preventing members from quoting excessively in CBOE-listed option classes.
Polishing Turquoise
Now that the E.U.'s Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (Mifid) has taken effect, the European market will start to witness a number of multilateral trading facilities (MTFs) go into production over the next several months.
Reliance on brokers for equity trading on the rise
Despite the proliferation of electronic and self-directed trading tools across the investment management universe, a new industry report shows that issues such as increasing market volatility, changing commission arrangements, and fragmented liquidity…
SGX Takes Over JADE Data
The Singapore Exchange has taken over distribution of market data from the Joint Asian Derivatives Exchange (JADE), a joint commodity futures market venture set up with the Chicago Board of Trade in September last year, after buying out the 50 percent…