Data Management
NYSE Euronext's Expansion Plan
As NYSE Euronext continues its aggressive mergers and acquisition strategy ( see story, this issue ), growth seems to be the name of the game. DWT U.S. reporter Oksana Poltavets sits down with NYSE Euronext CIO Steven Rubinow to discuss the exchange's…
And Then There Were Five?
According to press reports, NYSE Euronext chairman Duncan Neiderauer is following in his predecessor's footsteps with the rumored purchase of the American Stock Exchange (Amex), one of the few non-demutualized exchanges left in the U.S.
Will "Caring" Exchanges Prevent Flight to MTFs?
We've barely begun 2008, yet already our front page is filled with news from the participants in what will be one of the key battlegrounds for this year-the struggle for trading volumes between exchanges, ECNs and new, multiple dealer-backed venues,…
Credit Markets' Electronic Evolution Gathers Steam
With more firms trading fixed-income securities and derivatives electronically, and an expanding range of products making the leap to electronic trading, the market will require multi-asset transparency solutions. By Robert MacLeod, chief executive,…
Fitch Revamps Search Engine
Fitch Ratings has rolled out a revamped search engine for accessing the rating agency's archive of research reports online, officials tell Inside Market Data .
Integrity's Investment Research Forecasts
Changes in the way that investors use, receive and pay for research are prompting growing numbers of commentators to express concerns about the outlook for the investment research industry, as buy-side firms focus on generating more research in-house. By…
Credit Markets Face 10-Year Itch
Recent high demand for data on the credit markets and their derivatives could face a spoiler in the form of the underlying markets following 2007's credit crunch. Steve Miller, managing director of Standard & Poor's Leveraged Commentary & Data business,…
Re-thinking Research
In a precarious investment environment, the hunt for alpha may force Wall Street to take a leaf out of other research areas. By Kevin E. O'Brien, president and chief executive, Revere Data
Indexes to Drive Credit Counter-Attack
With the credit crunch threatening to spark a recession, investors may turn to indexes to provide the data quality and tools required for pricing and hedging credit instruments in 2008. By Stephan Flagel, managing director, Markit
New Inputs Set to Gain Traction
Ratings & Indexes-As profits from established markets become harder to come by in highly competitive environments, index providers are developing more products to provide low-risk exposure to high-yield markets and sectors, as Jerry Moskowitz of FTSE…
Research Faces 'Consumer' Revamp
Research & Commentary-The research industry is in a state of flux, with numerous trends contributing to the pace of change. Michael Mayhew of Integrity Research Associates predicts that buy-side firms will increasingly internalize research generation and…
FTSE Takes Over Enviro-Tech Index, Relaunches Straits Times
Index provider FTSE will this week confirm that it has begun calculating and disseminating index data on the ET50 index of the 50 largest environmental technology companies, which it took over from investment manager Impax Asset Management at the end of…
Mashing Up Wall Street
Financial firms are finding commercial uses for formerly "social" technologies as cost-effective and direct tools for collaboration and communication. By Penny Herscher, president and chief executive, FirstRain
Investment Alternatives Drive Index Demand
As investors look for new markets and investment strategies, development of new indexes will help them diversify their assets. By Jerry Moskowitz, president, FTSE Americas
Research's Technology Revolution
Just as technology improved the management of trade orders between the buy side and sell side, new research tools and protocols are starting to solve communication and management problems between buy-side research consumers and sell-side providers. By…
News Consumers in Search of Better Search
The way that traders obtain news and other information is changing as mainstream news becomes a commodity and end-users seek out niche sources and ways to customize content.
Credit Challenges Remain in 2008
Content Focus: CREDIT-The credit markets faced a major setback last year in the sub-prime crisis, which created the still-ongoing credit crunch. Yet experts believe there remain opportunities for the market to rebound in 2008.
Deutsche Börse Revamps Data Policy
Deutsche Börse will this year implement a new fee policy for firms that use the exchange's real-time data to generate derived values such as indexes, risk and portfolio analytics, and for use within non-display applications such as algorithmic trading…
Execution Venue Competition, Post-MiFID
Despite a host of potential new European trading venues and data sources created as a result of MiFID, it may prove hard for new markets to grab share and create value. By Paul Pickup, director, Trading Technology.
SICOM Plans Data Overhaul
The Singapore Commodity Exchange (SICOM) is replacing its market data system to enable the exchange to handle greater data volumes and to introduce new data services this year.
Exchanges Must Seek 'Intellectual' Innovation
In the face of competition from their members and a consolidating market, exchanges need to answer end-user issues while also coming up with the Next Big Thing-or "Next Big Think." By Rafah Hanna, head of data at MTS
London Stock Exchange Spells Out 2008 Priorities
With exchange mergers focusing efforts on integration, the London Stock Exchange sets out the data and technology projects that will be most relevant to customers in 2008. By David Lester, chief information officer, London Stock Exchange
Algos Face Fragmentation, Complexities in '08
Algorithmic trading and smart order-routing applications will need to balance market data from multiple venues with clearing and settlement data, post-MiFID. By Bob Fuller, non-executive director at Fixnetix, and former chief executive of Equiduct.