Data Management
WSS Unveils Mobile News Apps
New York-based news aggregator Wall Street Source will this week launch a series of new applications for delivering news to mobile devices, aimed at increasing takeup of the vendor's services outside of its core trading floor user base, officials say.
Finding the Trading Platform Middle Ground
Top-tier financial institutions have suffered much over the past year, but their losses may benefit smaller firms, which are well-positioned to pounce. As the transformations brought about by the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (Mifid) began…
Brewin Dolphin Flips Data to Fidessa
UK-based private client stockbroker Brewin Dolphin has deployed more than 700 positions of the Fidessa Workstation market data application to support its network of brokers and advisors, replacing legacy products from Thomson Reuters.
Chi-X, TS-A Prep Latency Management Tools
Multilateral trading facility Chi-X Europe is preparing to deploy peer-to-peer latency monitoring technology from TS-Associates to enable its trading members to receive market data and order confirmation messages time-stamped with nanosecond granularity,…
BOX Moves into Equinix Datacenter
The Boston Options Exchange has signed a four-year contract to host its primary matching engine and data distribution technologies in a Secaucus, NJ-based datacenter operated by Equinix.
BATS Readies Options Data
BATS Exchange is developing variations of its Level 2 Multicast PITCH and Level 1 TOP datafeeds to carry data from its BATS Options market, which is scheduled for launch in the first quarter of 2010.
Alpes Broadens Apama CEP for Risk Analytics
Brazilian broker-dealer Alpes Corretora de Câmbio, Títulos e Valores Mobiliários, is seeking to extend its deployment of Progress Apama's complex event processing technology to develop risk management analytics that support its move into high-frequency…
ICE Boosts Impact with Options, Implied Prices
Atlanta-based IntercontinentalExchange (ICE) is enhancing its Impact Multicast feed to enable it to carry more content, including options data and implied prices.
ISE Readies Level 1 Direct Datafeed
The International Securities Exchange is preparing to roll out a direct feed of Level 1 data, which is due to enter testing later this month and is expected to go into full production in August.
Taming the beast
OTC derivatives market participants have known for some time that the days of dealing with nary a regulator in sight were numbered. However, the US Treasury Department recently issued its most concrete regulatory suggestion, even though many of the…
20:20 Hindsight
As UK-based market data technology vendor Sinara Consultants celebrates its 20 th anniversary, sales director Gary Hughes reminisces on how technological change and globalization have changed customer requirements over those years, and looks forward to…
Implications for Index Licensing
Earlier this year, Germany's Federal Court of Justice upheld a ruling from a regional court in Frankfurt, permitting Commerzbank to create structured products linked to the DAX German equity index, without paying license fees to DAX creator Deutsche…
Nasdaq OMX Readies Nordic ITCH
Nasdaq OMX is readying a Nordic version of its ITCH market data feed, and will make significant changes to its Genium Consolidated Feed (GCF) product in preparation for the migration of Nordic equity markets onto the Inet trading platform later this year.
Tear Down the Silos
Taming the Beast
Markit Set to Go Live with Evaluated Prices Platform for Bonds in Third Quarter
LONDON - Markit has built a platform for generating evaluated prices, and is launching a bonds platform this summer, officials tell Inside Reference Data.
Collaboration and Standardization Work to Benefit Counterparty Data Industry
LONDON - Several data vendors in the counterparty data space are working on new offerings set to revolutionize the industry after listening to users like Citi's Julia Sutton, who has been encouraging vendors to collaborate and provide easy access to data…
The Quality Attack
While the industry continues to struggle with poor data quality, some users are proactively monitoring trends and working with vendors to fix the problem at the source level. Tine Thoresen speaks with Joseph Turso about finding innovative solutions for…