Michael Shashoua
Michael Shashoua is editor of Inside Reference Data, a role he began in 2011. He joined Incisive Media in 2009 as deputy editor of Sell-Side Technology. His experience covering financial services industry operational issues includes eight years as senior editor of Global Investment Technology, and two years as an editor at The Deal. Shashoua completed a master's degree in Media Management at Fordham University in 2013, and began his career as a reporter and copy editor in local newspapers in New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Florida.
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Articles by Michael Shashoua
EDM Council Chooses FIBO Standard Leader
The EDM Council has appointed Dennis Wisnosky, a former US Defense Department official with data experience, to head the implementation of its FIBO standards
Out With The Old, in With The New
Stories covering AIFMD, IFRS 13, phase-out of old data management processes, JP Morgan's data restructuring and possible open source LEI all point to key changes that have happened in the past month for the industry
Data Providers See More Convergence and Centralization
Data services providers are considering convergence and centralization of data sources in response to user demands, as well as how to best tie together data sources
IRD's Editor on Basel Committee Principles
Inside Reference Data editor Michael Shashoua says the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision has raised more questions about how data managers should deal with risk data.
Basel Committee Principles Raise More Questions
Parameters for effective risk data aggregation and reporting issued by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision appear to encourage data management improvement, but how that will be done is left unanswered
Evaluating the Quality Chain
Is data management carrying out all the imperatives set by regulations intended to address risk issues? Michael Shashoua assesses the chain of cause and effect linking new rules with data quality and operational issues
Michael Shashoua: Muddying Capital Adequacy
Delays and changes to the Basel III rules, including lower minimums for liquidity, are revealing gaps in what was once seemingly watertight regulation. Michael says the architects of the rules are losing the benefit of the doubt.
IFRS 13 Driving Level 3 Coding Work
End users are figuring out how to determine levels for quotes and code accounting data
IRD's Editor on Data's Role in Risk Management
Inside Reference Data editor Michael Shashoua considers how well data management efforts are responding to regulation and risk developments
Roots Of Data Management Rationales
Basel III is but one aspect of the direct line going from risk management imperatives driving regulation that affects data management
JP MorganReaps Benefits of Data Reorganization
Following the merger of back-office and front-office securities services units in July, the firm is consolidating its databases over the course of 2013
Information Mosaic Names New Chairman
Ulrich Kunz, an experienced industry executive, joins the post-trade automation provider
IRD's Editor on Basel III Liquidity Ratios
Inside Reference Data editor Michael Shashoua relates how Basel III liquidity ratio threshold changes are being seen as weakening the rules
Open Source LEI Data Model Launches
Element 22, in collaboration with several industry firms, has launched the Fimod (φmod) Open Source Project, an open-source model for the legal entity identifier intended to help promote LEI adoption
Clearwater To Offer S&P Capital IQ Data
Clearwater Analytics will begin providing S&P Capital IQ fixed-income data to its clients on February 20
Basel III Trickle-Down
The Basel Committee's change to the liquidity coverage ratio thresholds in its capital adequacy rules will impact data management operations
IRD's Editor on Construction of Compliance Utilities
Inside Reference Data editor Michael Shashoua discusses management of data through compliance utilities for risk management purposes
Tsianaxis Joins Deloitte
Vangelis Tsianaxis, previously an executive at Citi in London, has joined Deloitte as a managing consultant
Fiera Capital Integrates Eagle Platform and Cloud Service
The Canadian investment management firm has picked up on Eagle Investment Systems' platform and Access cloud service, used by Natcan, an investment firm it acquired in April
Data Opportunities Abound
Compliance initiatives based on improving the foundations for data communication in the financial industry are both a way of strengthening the foundations of data management and chances for the industry to perform better
Getting Some Actions
Corporate actions processing professionals have been waiting to see their tasks streamlined. Michael Shashoua reports on who's making progress and who's been slowed by obstacles
XSP Complements SunGard Corporate Actions
The capital markets arm of software and technology company SunGard has acquired corporate actions services provider XSP in a move designed to complete its offerings in the space