Michael Shashoua
Michael Shashoua is editor of Inside Reference Data, a role he began in 2011. He joined Incisive Media in 2009 as deputy editor of Sell-Side Technology. His experience covering financial services industry operational issues includes eight years as senior editor of Global Investment Technology, and two years as an editor at The Deal. Shashoua completed a master's degree in Media Management at Fordham University in 2013, and began his career as a reporter and copy editor in local newspapers in New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Florida.
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Articles by Michael Shashoua
LEI's Tentacles
The legal entity identifier, and the process to implement it, is making itself a factor in unexpected places, such as data quality and collateral transaction data
Building on Data Quality Foundations webcast
Inside Reference Data gathered leading industry experts for a webcast on April 17, 2013 to discuss how firms are dealing with new regulation and standards by improving data quality to better support data management for risk management purposes.
Interactive Data Expands Real-Time Offerings
The data services provider, acting on research confirming demand for the fixed-income asset class, plans to offer real-time pricing on a feed and in its Vantage platform
IRD's Editor on Pricing and Valuations Issues
Inside Reference Data editor Michael Shashoua describes the tension between keeping pricing method documentation concise and pursuing multi-sourced pricing models.
Seeking A Third Way On Pricing
Faced with issues concerning transparency and credibility of pricing and valuations, data managers must reconcile impulses to be brief and comprehensive all at once.
Sapient Launches System for DTCC Swaps Reporting
Technology provider Sapient Global Markets is now offering its Compliance Management and Reporting System to users of DTCC Swap Data Repository reporting in a move that will link different messaging formats
Pricing & Valuations special report
April 2013 - sponsored by: Interactive Data, Numerix, SIX Financial Information
IRD's Editor on Enthusiasm For New Data Sources
Inside Reference Data's April issue features extensive reporting on new sources and types of data that are catching on
Rising Enthusiasm for New Data Sources
Features in the April issue of Inside Reference Data find a common subtext of identifying new sources and types of data that are catching on
Judging When To Take Exception In Processing
The establishing steps of corporate actions are more conducive to automation, participants in a webcast said, writes Michael Shashoua
Surveying the Social Data Frontier
New guidance from US regulators on what is permitted for communicating via social media could create a new source for securities reference data for data managers to consider. Michael Shashoua reports on the significance of the SEC and Finra moves, as…
IRD's Editor on Corporate Actions Automation
Inside Reference Data's recent webcast on corporate actions raises questions on automation of processing
Wells Fargo Exec: Pricing Providers Are Segmenting
Wells Fargo’s fund services unit is adapting to a different landscape for pricing sources. Michael Shashoua hears from Daniel Johnson of Wells Fargo Global Fund Services about how the firm works with clients to best serve their price data requirements
Corporate Actions Processing's Slow Boil
A conversation about corporate actions processing raises more questions about the progress of automation
ISITC Groups Drafting MBS, Portfolio Value Guidelines
ISITC working groups plan to collaborate with Sifma to meet a June deadline on mortgage-backed securities margin requirements, and to revisit total portfolio value standards. ISITC as a whole will continue work begun last year on the legal entity…
Michael Shashoua: Solving For LEI
Those with vested interests in how the legal entity identifier implementation is carried out appear to be holding their ground, complicating the path to functionality. Michael channels a growing and raging online debate.
Corporate Actions Webcast: Feeling the Heat of Automation
During a webcast about corporate actions on March 25, participants discussed efforts to automate corporate action to help mitigate risk, the value of cloud resources and outside hosting for corporate actions processing, the challenges in automation, and…
IRD's Editor Updates LEI Developments
Industry experts are pointing out potential problems with the legal entity identifier
Eurex Clearing Names Book CEO
Thomas Book will be joined by three other executives taking new titles at the company, effective April 1
Mapping LEI Coordinates
Identification administrators are concerned about how the legal entity identifier can be coordinated with other key identifiers. That coordination is becoming a potential tangle in LEI implementation
FSB Names Three Subcommittee Leaders
Agustin Carstens will chair the Assessment of Vulnerabilities subcommittee responsible for monitoring the global financial system. The FSB also named Daniel Tarullo of the US and Ravi Menon of Singapore to lead subcommittees dealing with policy and…
Last Call For IRD/IMD Awards Vote
Voting closes April 10 and the awards will be presented in New York on May 21
IRD's Editor on Trans-Atlantic Regulatory Rift
Inside Reference Data editor Michael Shashoua summarizes recent reporting about continuing conflicts over identifier and tax regulations and standards