Michael Shashoua
Michael Shashoua is editor of Inside Reference Data, a role he began in 2011. He joined Incisive Media in 2009 as deputy editor of Sell-Side Technology. His experience covering financial services industry operational issues includes eight years as senior editor of Global Investment Technology, and two years as an editor at The Deal. Shashoua completed a master's degree in Media Management at Fordham University in 2013, and began his career as a reporter and copy editor in local newspapers in New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Florida.
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Articles by Michael Shashoua
Young Departs From Bloomberg
Stanley Young has ended his time as CEO of enterprise products and solutions at Bloomberg, just short of one year in the role.
NAFIS 2013 Live: Hudson Hollister on Transparency
IRD editor Michael Shashoua tweets live from a presentation by Hudson Hollister, executive director of the Data Transparency Coalition
NAFIS 2013 Live: Richard Peach Keynote
IRD editor Michael Shashoua tweets live from keynote presentation by the senior vice president of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York
NAFIS Preview
Other regulatory issues, risk management and data governance will also find the spotlight, alongside the legal entity identifier, in this year's NAFIS conference on May 21
GoldenTree Readies Last Part of Paladyne Warehouse
Paladyne Systems is working with GoldenTree Asset Management to implement the last part of a two year-plus data warehouse improvement project, to go live at the end of June
DTCC, Europe Aim For Better Collateral Processing
Euroclear and the Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation together plan to begin offering a collateral processing service in the first quarter of 2014, to add efficiency, transparency and US-European compatibility to operations
IRD's Editor on Rulemaking and Fragmentation
Data managers should be prepared for "Balkanized" fragmentation in data management, due to nation-centric rulemaking, should globalized and harmonized rules efforts fail.
Territorial Rulemaking and the Data Environment
Data managers should consider whether all regulatory politics will be local—or global—and be prepared for either possibility
SIX Hires Chiam in Singapore
Dolly Chiam, who has served as a manager and analyst for the Singapore Exchange, Credit Suisse and Thomson Reuters, has joined SIX Financial Information as data acquisition manager in Singapore
IRD's Editor on the LEI's Bottom Line
Features in the May issue of Inside Reference Data explore client onboarding, budgeting and data quality issues related to the legal entity identifier.
Corporate Actions special report
May 2013 - sponsored by: Fidelity ActionsXchange, SunGard, Thomson Reuters
Looking for the Finish Line
Stories and features in the May issue of Inside Reference Data identify remaining hurdles for legal entity identifier, question how widely understood are the LEI's benefits, and explore drives to secure its value
Thomson Reuters Offers New Index
The "TRust Index" will provide quarterly benchmarks for 50 top financial firms, starting with the first quarter of 2013
Rise of the CDO
Over the past year, the ranks of chief data officers at major financial services firms have been increasing. Michael Shashoua examines why and what this means for data management
JP Morgan, Northern Trust Search For Data Quality
In an Inside Reference Data webcast, panelists shared the factors driving their work to improve upon data quality, and the obstacles affecting those efforts. Michael Shashoua reports
BNY Mellon's Creative Data Visualization
The firm changed its approach to data services for its institutional clients, and the results are on the market in its new Risk View platform. Michael Shashoua spoke with Kerry White about the development of the service, and identifier challenges
Michael Shashoua: Pricing’s Progress
A growing drumbeat for greater transparency and credibility in the sourcing of pricing and valuations data is stirring data professionals to improve functions serving these needs. Michael explains how the industry is calling the tune.
MoneyMate Hires Smith for European Sales
Ashley Smith, previously an IBM sales executive, joins MoneyMate to lead the data management provider's European sales
Markit Begins Euroclear Bond Data Distribution
The data services provider has begun distributing the first portions of bond data that it plans to offer under its agreement with Euroclear Bank
Information Mosaic Launches IMValue
The post-trade financial services software provider's new suite of performance indicators and analytics aims to automate extraction of corporate actions information to better indicate risk
IRD's Editor on LEI's Reach
The legal entity identifier is playing a part in data quality issues, as it winds its way toward implementation
Colby, Four Others Join DTCC Board
Finra's chief legal officer, Robert Colby, is joined by four representatives of financial firms' clearing agencies on the board of the Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation.