BlackRock CTO: Vendors Not Meeting Enterprise Needs
During a CIO roundtable at Waters USA this morning, BlackRock CTO Scott Condron bemoaned the lack of innovation by West Coast technology suppliers for producing solutions for enterprises like his. One such supplier in the audience took exception.
Preventing Internal Breaches: The Call is Coming From Inside the House!
Hedge funds' internal networks are at risk more from internal breaches than external, say a pair of fund security experts. Though some kind of problem is going to happen to anything bigger than a family shop, there are basic steps the IT and operations…
Risk Reduction Isn't Just Semantics
Crossing the “semantic barrier” requires alignment of “tribal knowledge” with the actual meaning and concepts being described. Financial industry consultancy IQ3Group’s Mack Frankfurter considers how this can be accomplished through data standards
Buy-Side Technology Awards: Best Overall Buy-Side Technology Provider for 2012─Markit
The recipient of this final award of the annual Buy-Side Technology Awards is traditionally decided by Waters’ two editors—Victor Anderson and Anthony Malakian. The past four years set something of a precedent: The winners— Linedata Services in 2008,…
Buy-Side Technology Awards: Best Buy-Side Pricing/Valuations Service─Markit
Pricing is Markit’s bread and butter─it always has been, and, unless CEO Lance Uggla and his management team make a dramatic directional change to the vendor─which boasts a headcount of 2,500—it always will be. Markit’s pricing strategy, which covers…
Buy-Side Technology Awards: Best Buy-Side Execution Venue─Liquidnet
When you think buy-side block trading, you think Liquidnet. The 13-year-old crossing network remains the pre-eminent player in the movement of institutional orders, even as order sizes continue to be shredded in dark venues globally. Liquidnet has…
Buy-Side Technology Awards: Best Buy-Side Integrated Front-Office Platform─Charles River Development
The comprehensiveness of Charles River Development’s Investment Management Solution (IMS) was cited by our judging panel last year as one of the prime reasons for awarding the Burlington, Mass.-based vendor the 2011 Best Technology Provider Award, one of…
Buy-Side Technology Awards: Best Implementation at a Buy-Side Firm─SimCorp
Copenhagen-based SimCorp is a rare animal indeed—it is one of the only buy-side–focused third-party technology vendors that offers a true all-singing-all-dancing, front-to-back- office investment management platform, a strategy that has yielded handsome…
Buy-Side Technology Awards: Best Fund Administrator─SEI
In 2012, perhaps more so than any year prior, the buy side took notice of the importance of the fluid relationship between hedge funds and their fund administrators. As the largest US hedge funds submitted their first ever Form PF filings this year—with…
Buy-Side Technology Awards: Best Buy-Side CEP Product/Service─Progress Software
Back in the late 1990s, two Cambridge University computer science graduates conducted research into new data structures for pattern matching in high-velocity streaming data. That research became the foundation of a software company that the two founded…
Buy-Side Technology Awards: Best Buy-Side Risk Initiative Over the Last 12 Months─IBM Risk Analytics
IBM Risk Analytics—formerly known as Algorithmics and now fully integrated with its parent company, IBM—since its initial win in the best risk/portfolio provider category back in 2008, has won or been close to winning that award each year. This year,…
Buy-Side Technology Awards: Best Buy-Side Reconciliation Service/Platform─SmartStream Technologies
Best Buy-Side Reconciliation Platform/Service, one of the newest Buy-Side Technology Awards categories, was created in 2010 as the buy side leaned heavily on vendors to automate post-trade needs for the reduction of back-office costs. And though there…
Buy-Side Technology Awards: Best Outsourcing Provider to the Buy Side─SEI
In years past, the term “outsourcing” has often carried with it something of a stigma across the buy side, as the envisioned technology enhancements and operational efficiencies simply did not materialize. As a result, buy-side firms, especially smaller…
Buy-Side Technology Awards: Best Buy-Side CRM Product/Service─Advent Software
Trust and reputation: These are things all firms say they have, but ask their clients and they may have a different opinion. As an asset manager looks to grow, both in terms of client numbers and the complexity and scope of its offerings, not to mention…
Buy-Side Technology Awards: Best Cloud Provider to the Buy Side─BT
A new category in this year’s Buy-Side Technology Awards, Best Cloud Provider to the Buy Side has gone to a company that provides the best combination of scale, global reach, and security to the buy side: BT, for its BT Radianz Cloud, which supports the…
Buy-Side Technology Awards: Best Big Data Technology Provider to the Buy Side─OneMarketData
Not since “cloud computing” has a term swept the industry quite like “Big Data.” And like cloud, there are many theories and definitions as to what can be called Big Data, how best to tame it, and how to use it to gain an advantage over the competition.
Buy-Side Technology Awards: Best Buy-Side Transaction Cost Analysis (TCA) Tool─Markit
Given the importance that transaction-cost analysis (TCA) functions play across the buy side in terms of providing firms with a consistent, repeatable and disciplined approach to assessing the slippage affecting their orders, it was only a matter of time…
Buy-Side Technology Awards: Best Buy-Side Newcomer (Vendor or Product) and Best Buy-Side Product for 2012─Advise Technologies
The year 2012 will perhaps best be marked in the hedge fund community as the year that Form PF, introduced on the back of the Dodd–Frank Act, fully came into existence. In August, hedge funds with more than $5 billion in regulatory assets under…
Buy-Side Technology Awards: Best Buy-Side Compliance Platform─Fidessa
Fidessa has an enviable track record in the Buy-Side Technology Awards, having won a category every year since the awards launched in 2007, although its 2007 and 2008 wins in the best buy-side execution management system (EMS) category, its 2008 and 2009…
Buy-Side Technology Awards: Best Broker-Supplied Tool/Technology─UBS
The engineers behind UBS Delta consider themselves flexible and innovative like a software company, but with the resources and support of their enormous parent bank. Since its inception 14 years ago, the portfolio risk and performance system has catered…
Buy-Side Technology Awards: Best Buy-Side Client Reporting Platform─Equipos
Equipos’ ability to deliver client-reporting functionality that is scalable, along with document management and business user-definable workflows and layouts on a global scale, has allowed it to find a sweet spot in the Buy-Side Technology Awards.
Buy-Side Technology Awards: Best Buy-Side Portfolio Accounting Platform─Multifonds
In one of the bigger upsets of this year’s awards, Luxembourg-based Multifonds has ended Advent Geneva’s five-year run atop this category. It did so by approaching portfolio accounting through a single integrated platform, rather than separate systems…
Buy-Side Technology Awards: Best Data Provider to the Buy Side─Rimes Technologies
If ever there was a technology provider that proved the worth of identifying a niche, servicing organizations operating in that market, working closely alongside its client base to consistently enhance its offerings, and exercising the necessary…
Buy-Side Technology Awards: Best Buy-Side Data Management Product─Markit EDM
The rumor mill in the City of London kicked into overdrive some 18 months ago as speculation steadily mounted that Cadis, one of the brightest stars in the third-party technology provider community, was about to be acquired. Bloomberg seemed to be the…