Trading Tech
Vodafone to Manage FX with Bloomberg
Company to use FXGO platform for foreign exchange risk management.
SpryWare Rebrands MIS Components to Target Standalone Data Needs
Vendor aims to increase recognition of services beyond ticker plant and feed handlers
Open Outcry is Silenced at ICE
ICE will shift all options execution to its electronic platform as of October 22.
SEF Survival Depends on Differentiation
GreySpark research outlines the current picture of the swap execution facility landscape.
CBOE Enables SPX Variance Strips Trading
US options exchange introduces process for electronic trading of complex portfolios.
Power Play
Alternative technologies can provide the future of financial services
IndexUniverse ETF Analytics Enters Beta
ETF analysis tool will help advisors pick suitable ETFs to meet client mandates
Quantifying Catastrophe: Inside Cat Bonds
Catastrophe bonds, a type of insurance-linked security, have made a strong push in 2012, enabled by sophisticated modeling technologies used to predict and price their underlying events. Tim Bourgaize Murray examines what makes this intersection of…
Ospero Wants to Popularize a New As-a-Service Offering
Distribution-as-a-service may or may not catch on, but Ospero's vendor data center grid seems to be doing well.
FactSet Taps RepRisk For ESG Data
FactSet clients will have access to RepRisk's ESG risk scores to mitigate impact of reputational risk on their investments
Equinix to Build New Brazilian Datacenters
Locations added in Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo.
Vantage FX Launches Live Trading Platform
MetaTrader 5 hosts 32 currency pairs for real-time trading.
TR Adds Tropical Storm Data to Eikon for Commodities Traders
Eikon integration will enable traders to predict the impact of storm-based supply issues on price movements
European Energy Exchange Links with TT
EEX's natural gas, emissions, and coal-based contracts can now be traded via X-Trader through Eurex's exchange matching engine in Frankfurt.
New Tech Benchmarks Required After HSBC AML Failure Probe
The US Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations found the bank's monitoring of correspondent relationships and bulk cash transactions wanting. Enterprise-level solutions are required to solve complex anti-money laundering problems.
DbSelect Adds Swedish Power Strategy
Coeli Asset Management launches its weather-based strategy to Deutsche Bank's hedge fund strategy platform.
ASX Colocates Futures Trading Hub in Singapore
The partnership with SGX is expected to enhance futures trading inflow into Australia.
Swift Launches Cloud-Based Connectivity
Alliance Lite2 aims to increase speed and efficiency of messaging network.
Whitney Bank Taps SunGard for Trust Accounting
SunGard's AddVantage consolidates asset management operations.
Eagle Enhances Reporting with MicroStrategy Alliance
Visualization and analytics packages available across desktop and mobile.