Northern Trust offers internal fund accounting, data tools to clients
Regulations and a mandate to enhance quality and transparency in a bid to improve the investor experience are pushing buy-side firms to have more oversight of their third-party providers.
US banks seek to open vendors’ black box on green data
Inaugural Fed climate scenario analysis flags lack of transparency around third-party models.
FRTB data quality issues persist amid shifting implementation dates
Banks are finding market and reference data challenges posed by the FRTB’s standardized model tricky, compounded by uncertainty over when the regulation will take effect.
Hong Kong looks for digital response to trade reporting burden
New swaps reporting framework will include more fields than requirements in US or Singapore.
The IMD Wrap: The risks of becoming AI-rich and memory-poor
Like Alice in Wonderland, Max disappears down the rabbit hole of AI to discover a world that is sometimes fantasy—and sometimes a nightmare.
Firms worry that lack of ‘explainability’ will be regulatory roadblock for AI
Industry experts share their concerns about advanced AI’s ‘black-box’ nature and how that may attract fragmented regulatory scrutiny.
Waters Wavelength Podcast: Talos’s Samar Sen
Samar Sen, head of Apac at Talos, joins the podcast to talk about the institutional tools in the digital assets space.
Price check: Is your firm keeping pace with IPV?
How growing regulatory pressure around data is affecting banks’ pricing and valuation control.
Price check: Is your firm keeping pace with IPV?
Independent price verification (IPV) and valuation control are key requirements of financial firms’ compliance, risk management and reporting activities.
Bank-led consortium takes aim at position reporting
Five banks, including Barclays, BNP Paribas, Goldman Sachs and HSBC, have joined forces to mitigate interpretation and implementation errors in position reporting disclosures.
Waters Wrap: Open source and storm clouds on the horizon
Regulators and politicians in America and Europe are increasingly concerned about AI—and, by extension, open-source development. Anthony says there are real reasons for concern.
DSB says industry is ready to meet UPI mandate ahead of deadline
The Unique Product Identifier will be required for certain OTC derivatives in the EU at the end of April, following US adoption in January.
Fighting FAIRR: Inside the bill aiming to keep AI and algos honest
The Financial Artificial Intelligence Risk Reduction Act seeks to fix a market abuse loophole by declaring that AI algorithms do not have brains.
Waters Wavelength Podcast: Looking into the EU regulatory landscape
Eflow’s Ben Parker joins the podcast to discuss EU regulations.
Bloomberg updates risk analytics platform to cope with FRTB regional shifts
The data giant is also rolling out updates for climate risk and asset liability management on its platform.
Modernizing architecture can reduce long-term costs
A perfect storm of regulation and accelerated tech advancement is forcing modernization unlike anything the markets have seen before, says Nasdaq’s Gil Guillaumey.
Dora technical standards shoot for break in the clouds
One goal of the EU’s latest ICT risk act is to mitigate cloud concentration. Some experts say it may make it worse.
Hot topic: SEC climate disclosure rule divides industry
Proposal likely to flounder on First Amendment concerns, lawyers believe.
Waters Wavelength Podcast: Tim Baker on Cusip lawsuit, data copyrights, and innovation in market data
Expero’s Tim Baker joins the podcast to talk about the ongoing Cusip suit and regulatory intervention in the market data space.
Waters Wrap: T+1 and too many proposals
Anthony believes that there’s a growing chasm emerging between regulators, senior business execs, and technologists—which is especially evident when it comes to the T+1 debate.
The IMD Wrap: Market data budgeting for 8-year-olds
Balancing a market data budget is challenging enough, but it’s even harder when cost pressures are tight, and when fees and discounts create extra confusion.
Trade reporting challenges require data re-think
Data accuracy issues are hampering some firms’ regulatory reporting abilities. So why aren’t data professionals more involved? And how can compliance costs be turned into revenue drivers?
Ticking clock: Firms in Asia face unique T+1 challenges
Firms in Asia worry about unintended consequences of massive change to settlement cycle.
Price gouging? New study finds market data providers consistently inconsistent in pricing, discounts
As the industry awaits the FCA’s findings from its Wholesale Market Data Study, end-users pin their hopes on the prospect of relief. But a new study from Substantive Research details the enormous pricing disparities that must be tackled.