Waters Wrap: Is AML Tech Worth the Cost? (And Cloud Moves & More Blockchain)
Anthony wonders if AML platforms are being scrutinized enough by banks and regulators, then looks at Wells Fargo's tapping of HPR for its quant division and Northern Trust’s blockchain plans.
FX Markets Ripe to Exploit Sentiment Data, Experts Say
Already well established as an alpha-enhancing input to equities trading, sentiment data is now being applied to other asset classes, starting with foreign exchange.
Wells Fargo’s Head of Quant Strategy Explains HPR Deployment
Wells Fargo’s Quantitative Prime Services division has tapped HPR’s Unimus platform, starting with its market access gateway and risk management tool.
Goldman Sachs Takes Aim at Interoperability, Analytics with Marquee Enhancements
The bank’s recent moves signal what could become a managed services offering, as Goldman further embraces cloud, open source, and APIs.
Jefferies' Quant Team Builds Chatbot For Faster Equities Trading
In minutes, JEFQuants compiles information from multiple sources into a unique data package based on traders' queries.
BMLL Now Has 5 Years of Order Book Data Available
Quants and data scientists can now access five years of Level 3 data through the vendor's Data Lab platform for use in alpha generation.
MackeyRMS Launches ESG Scorecard
Ratings toolkit includes features to help investment teams grade securities and funds to meet sustainability mandates.
QuantConnect Brings Low-Code Principles to Quant Finance
Later this year the vendor is looking to allow users to clip together various components of an algorithmic trading strategy, making it easier for users with limited programming skills to build their own trading strategies.
Fund Managers Seek to Plug Holes in ESG Data
Quant funds are striving to adjust their ESG models to take into account changes in corporate behavior during the pandemic.
IBM, Refinitiv Partner on Machine Learning Project to Better Understand Market Correlations
The two companies are in the early stages of using causal inference to help firms build machine learning models that are better able to handle disruption from events like the Covid-19 pandemic.
Asset Managers Strive to Differentiate ESG Strategies
PanAgora and Manulife have incorporated alternative datasets and internal industry handbooks, respectively, into their ESG strategies.
Waters Wrap: Snowflake Makes its Move (And Ref Data Headaches & Data-Sourcing-as-a-Service)
Anthony explores how Snowflake is trying to win over business in the cap markets, talks about the reference data space, and examines a new breed of data vendors.
BNP Paribas AM Combines NLP, ML for Sentiment Indicators in News Data
The asset manager is teaming with a vendor on the project, which will first be used for equities trading before moving to corporate bonds.
Exchanges, SEC At Odds Over Odd Lots
Industry insiders warn that the regulator’s attempts to modernize equities data by redefining trading lots will fall short of the mark if odd lot orders remain unprotected.
Investors Turn to Raw Data Over Ratings in ESG Alpha Hunt
Quants are using data on product returns and employee welfare to pick winners.
This Week: BNY Mellon, ASX, DTCC, SteelEye/UnaVista & More
A summary of some of the past week’s financial technology news.
Firms Hone Use of New Alt Datasets to Pick Covid-19’s Winners
Investment managers are starting to use alternative data to assess the pandemic’s effect on individual stocks.
Quants Use Nowcasting As Covid Crystal Ball
Experts from UBS, Unigestion, MIT and QuantConnect discuss the need for nowcasting, and what the alt data boom has made possible in trying to navigate today’s crisis.
JP Morgan AM to Add Chinese, Japanese to Proprietary NLP Tool
The asset manager could one day make its Textual Analytics tool, which reads millions of documents to derive insights, available to the market at large.
MSCI Uses NLP to Measure Company Innovation
The global market index firm is quantifying innovative investments and mapping them to a company’s performance.
FactSet Datasets Go Live on Snowflake Data Warehouse
FactSet is the first major data provider to make content available via the cloud-based data-warehousing platform.
Balyasny AM's CDO: Going Quantamental with Alternative Data
Carson Boneck shares his thoughts on Balyasny's efforts to marry the best of its fundamental and quant teams.
Lazard Asset Management Looks to Reinvent Asset Classifications
The firm is developing themed asset categories for investors by finding new correlations in alternative datasets.
Lighting Up the Black Box: A Must for Investors?
Many quants contend that you must be able to interpret machine learning in order to use it.