Legal entity identifiers (LEIs)
Russia Gets LEI Prefix
The Regulatory Oversight Committee administering legal entity identifiers has issued its sixth "pre-LEI" prefix, for the Russian market
Crawling Before Walking
Moving forward with the idea of coordinating the legal entity identifier (LEI) with other key securities codes first requires tying up some loose ends on LEI implementation
Michael Shashoua: Identification, Linkage and Risk
Efforts to get comprehensive views of reference data, driven by risk management needs and mandates, are taking different shapes. Michael classifies these into the straightforward and the more subtle.
IRD's Editor on Linking Identifiers
Inside Reference Data editor Michael Shashoua describes the potential role for the Alacra Authority File in managing LEI data
Next Step For Identifiers: Spotting Red Flags
Alacra's potential use of its Authority File database to trigger alerts of corporate events that have caused regulatory status changes, could be key to linking identifiers—especially the LEI
LEI Governance Body Established With US Treasury's Reed As Chair
The Regulatory Oversight Committee has chosen Switzerland as the location for the legal entity identifier foundation and taken over responsibility for launching the global identification system
The Hub of the Matter: Ken Price Interview
After leading Avox for 10 years, in December, Ken Price left the company he co-founded. He tells Nicholas Hamilton about spotting a gap in the industry, building up a respected data company and his new job working for a start-up
DTCC to Issue Further CICI Guidance for Funds
The Depository Trust and Clearing Corporation will provide further clarification to the funds industry on using its utility to register for the Commodity Futures Trading Commission's interim legal entity identifiers
Evaluating the Quality Chain
Is data management carrying out all the imperatives set by regulations intended to address risk issues? Michael Shashoua assesses the chain of cause and effect linking new rules with data quality and operational issues
Open Source LEI Data Model Launches
Element 22, in collaboration with several industry firms, has launched the Fimod (φmod) Open Source Project, an open-source model for the legal entity identifier intended to help promote LEI adoption
IRD's Editor on Construction of Compliance Utilities
Inside Reference Data editor Michael Shashoua discusses management of data through compliance utilities for risk management purposes
Tsianaxis Joins Deloitte
Vangelis Tsianaxis, previously an executive at Citi in London, has joined Deloitte as a managing consultant
Data Opportunities Abound
Compliance initiatives based on improving the foundations for data communication in the financial industry are both a way of strengthening the foundations of data management and chances for the industry to perform better
Communicate and Aggregate
As regulations and reduced budgets add to existing challenges, data professionals point to standards and shared services as the best way to improve risk management and achieve straight-through processing, writes Nicholas Hamilton
Michael Shashoua: Halfway Down the LEI Road
The start of 2013 finds some of the preparation for legal entity identifier implementation complete, but much left to do. Michael says the necessary structures are in place, but now the real work begins
Laying Compliance Foundations
With regulatory change looming large over the financial industry, Nicholas Hamilton finds out how extensible systems, best practices and good communication are helping firms to manage the uncertainty of evolving requirements and deadlines
IRD's Editor on Opportunities in LEI Challenges
Inside Reference Data editor Michael Shashoua identifies an opportunity presented by industry concerns about the LEI
Where Crisis Equals Opportunity
Legal entity identifier implementation concerns could be a chance for clever service providers to offer a solution to ensure accuracy
The Real Work on LEI Begins
Inside Reference Data editor Michael Shashoua points out what's left in the industry's journey toward global legal entity identifier implementation
LEI’s Next Phase
With the structures for implementing the legal entity identifier basically in place, now the real work begins—actually implementing registrations
FSB Plans To Include Hierarchical Data With LEI
The Legal Entity Identifier Implementation Group and Private Sector Preparatory Group are developing plans to include hierarchical and relationship data with the LEI, while legal experts are exploring Switzerland's suitability as the site of the LEI…
Sifma LEI Live: Regulatory Adoption
Inside Reference Data editor Michael Shashoua tweeted live from Sifma's Legal Entity Identifier seminar on December 11 in New York
Identifier's Infancy
During a webinar about the legal entity identifier, panelists discussed the opportunities the code presents for data vendors to create new products and the immaturity of current offerings, writes Nicholas Hamilton
HSBC Exec: "Regulations Require 10 New Data Types"
Chris Johnson of HSBC Securities Services has identified 10 new types of data that will be required by upcoming regulations and says firms must start asking vendors for the data so they will have business cases to create appropriate products