DLT-based Trading Platform Tradewind Looks to Enter the Buy Side
Tradewind is also considering covering assets other than precious metals.
Satellite Images Drive Climate Conversations
Investment firms are turning to pictures from the sky to understand environmental impacts for alpha generation.
EU Sustainability Guidelines: 'It Will Require a lot of Thought & Investment'
Members of the Commission's TEG say that data availability and flexibility will serve as the greatest challenges.
State Street Plans Large-Scale Expansion of ESG Data Offering
The bank sees opportunity in providing more in-depth, quantitative data on a larger universe of ESG factors.
Asset Managers Chase Signals in ESG Noise
Machine learning can tell stories from large datasets to drive alpha, say quants.
Heating Up: An In-Depth Look at How Investment Firms Use Carbon Data
As ESG data becomes more of a commodity, firms are struggling with how best to incorporate carbon data.
Wavelength Podcast Episode 161: Gerard Francis of Bloomberg
Bloomberg’s Gerard Francis looks at the challenges that capital markets firms face when trying to incorporate alternative datasets.
State Street Aims to Bolster ESG Offering with Latest Partnership
State Street is teaming up with Harvard professor George Serafeim to create solutions that help institutional investors find ESG materiality.
Buy-Side Demand Builds for ESG Screening in Korea, Japan
HedgeSPA platform combines in-house and vendor ESG data for more comprehensive coverage of a larger target investment universe.
Truvalue Taps ESG Vet Kuh for Indexes
With years of experience creating ESG benchmarks, Kuh will lead Truvalue's entry into providing ESG indexes.
Navigating the ESG Reporting Maze
An analysis of some of the major initiatives to improve corporate reporting of environmental, social and governance factors to help investors better price-in risks and opportunities and make meaningful comparisons of company performance.
Mobius Capital Partners Selects Bloomberg Buy-Side Solutions
Mobius will use Bloomberg's Aim, Port, and EMSX software to execute a single strategy in improved corporate governance and an ESG pathway.
November 2018: Data and Tech Couples Therapy
Data and technology have a co-dependent relationship, for better or for worse.
RSRCHXchange Launches ESG Research Stream
The dedicated section on ESG disclosures will include research conducted by independent research specialists and ESG research from banks and brokers.
Wavelength Podcast Episode 141: Brexit and Blockchain and Data, Oh My
It’s a trio of problems: Mifid II’s data problem; blockchain projects stalled; and data quality issues for machine learning.
For Buy Side, ESG, Alt Data Are Necessary Cost to ‘Recapture Alpha’
Alternative and ESG datasets hold the promise of delivering better and more predictable returns for investors, but are some firms underestimating the amount of work required to integrate these into their strategies?
Arabesque Adds Eagle to List of ESG Data Users
Clients of Eagle Investment Systems now have access to the S-Ray sustainability analysis tool.
State Street Exec: Data Quality Poses Challenges for ESG-Conscious Investors
State Street Global Exchange’s head of research says investors still struggle to measure ESG impact on their portfolios, despite growing demand for ESG insights.
A New Day: When It Comes to Climate, Money Trumps Politics
The returns from ESG are undeniable, and in the world of Wall Street, that means more than partisan perspectives.
Nasdaq Adds New Alt Data to Analytics Hub
Nasdaq has bolstered its Analytics Hub with four new sources of alternative data.
End of Days Data: Climate Content Heats Up
While ESG data is gaining prominence, institutional investors are increasingly looking to incorporate climate change information into the portfolio construction process.
Young Datasets, Inexperienced Talent Make Alt Data Challenging
The relatively nascent alternative data industry is creating challenges for asset managers, specifically when it comes to a lack of historical data and a lack of talent that can interrogate the data.
ESG Data Specialist TruValue Labs Secures $13.6 Million in New Funding
The San Francisco-based company will use the investment to expand its language coverage and its AI-driven predictive analytics.
Deutsche Bank ‘Data Innovation Group’ Unveils First Data Tool
The first tool from Deutsche Bank’s Data Innovation Group analyzes companies’ values based on ESG and other factors, and public perception of a company’s ESG efforts.