Buy-Side Technology Awards
BST Awards 2021: Best cloud provider to the buy side—BT
Product: BT Radianz Cloud
BST Awards 2021: Best implementation at a buy-side firm—Cosaic
Product: Finsemble
BST Awards 2021: Best ESG data provider to the buy side—Moody’s ESG Solutions
Product: Moody’s ESG Solutions Suite
BST Awards 2021: Best buy-side corporate actions platform—IHS Markit
Product: Corporate Actions solution
BST Awards 2021: Best buy-side client reporting platform—FactSet
Product: FactSet Reporting Solutions—Vermilion Reporting Suite
BST Awards 2021: Best buy-side AI platform or tool—MarketAxess
Product: Composite+
BST Awards 2021: Best buy-side compliance product—trading: Linedata
Product: Linedata Compliance
BST Awards 2021: Best buy-side reconciliation platform/service—SmartStream Technologies
Product: TLM Reconciliations Premium
BST Awards 2021: Best buy-side risk management product—Qontigo
Product: Axioma Risk
BST Awards 2021: Best buy-side EMS—FactSet
Product: Portware EMS