BCBS 239 risk data aggregation principles
SEC Proposed Rule to Modernize, Extend Systemic Risk Reporting for Mutual Funds
Two new forms, Form N-Port and N-Cen, are at the heart of a new set of rules proposed by the SEC.
Governance and Metadata
Data managers look to address functions that need improvement to support governance plans
Tip of the Iceberg: The Challenges of BCBS 239
Dan DeFrancesco talks to experts about banks' progress toward meeting BCBS 239 guidelines.
Opening Cross: When Collaboration Isn’t a Crime
Perhaps it’s because summer is now officially here and everyone wants to go skipping hand-in-hand through sun-drenched meadows, or that FISD’s Tom Davin is the latest inductee into the Inside Market Data Hall of Fame, or perhaps there’s another dynamic…
NAFIS 2015: Panel Describes Struggle to Define BCBS 239 Risk Data Rules
With proposals more akin to guidelines than prescriptive rules, the industry must define compliance.
What BCBS 239 Means for the Industry
Dan DeFrancesco looks at the impact BCBS 239 will have on the industry.
Mizuho International Goes Live with GoldenSource Security Master Application
Investment bank looks to create an integrated reference data platform
IRD's Editor on BCBS 239 Progress
Firms taking action, even as architects of the principles prove slow to offer guidance
Time To Play Ball With Data
Centralization figures in several data management trends and developments
Shared Understanding
BCBS 239 risk data aggregation principles drive broader view of available data
Aggregate to Accumulate
Risk data aggregation and the challenges in how to divide up data and who is assigned what pieces of data.
Sticking The Landing On BCBS 239
Readiness for risk stress tests may seem to lag, but data managers are making plans
Shedding Light on Dark Data
Making connections among sources yields predictive information
Calypso Takes Aim at BCBS/IOSCO Margin Requirements
Margin Calculation Module geared toward firms a large derivatives presence,
BCBS 239, CCAR Driving Data Infrastructure Changes
European, US Risk Stress Testing Guidelines Lead To Automation, New Operations
Watching For Big Data Adoption in 2015
BNP Paribas CDO Sees Big Data, Ownership and BCBS 239 as Keys in 2015
2015 Forecast: Data Management Improvements Will Be Slow
Adoption of new systems, upgrades and responses to regulatory drivers factor into likely measured response
Finding BCBS 239 As Biggest Trend Driver
GoldenSource CEO John Eley looks forward to 2015 as part of our year-end series
Leveraging Potential and LEI Progress
ANZ's Mark Bands Looks Ahead to 2015
Risk Data Aggregation Begins With Division, Executives Say
Panelists Advocate Ownership Interest in Specific Pieces of Information
APFIC Issues Preview
BCBS 239, LEI Questions Featured on Agenda
Joss, OpenCorporates Link Entity Data
Data Vendor, Open License Site Aim For Better Grasp of Risk Exposure
Teradata Develops Enhanced Semantic Data Service
The company's SMBBS service, used for risk data reporting requirements, will soon be complemented with accelerated data acquisition capabilities, according to officials
Facing Up to the New Regulatory World
The BCBS 239 risk data aggregation principles, CCAR and FDSF stress tests, and COREP and FINREP reporting frameworks are some of the most significant new measures developed by regulators and are having a major impact on data management, writes Nicholas…