Gold standard: Are golden copies losing their luster?
The concept of a “golden copy” is well established. But what happens when buy-side firms want to differentiate themselves by launching new services, only to find themselves maintaining multiple “single” sources of data—or worse, none at all?
UK divergence on trading venue perimeter threatens more costs and a complex compliance landscape
The FCA is in the middle of a tug of war over the definition of a trading venue. Will it diverge in a bid to present itself as a competitive market internationally or align with its EU partners?
Continuous evolution: Researchers work to specialize NLP for finance
From academics to data teams at investment banks, those in and adjacent to the capital markets are looking to specialize natural language processing models to understand and break down financial data.
This Week: Linedata, Alveo, OpenFin & more
A summary of the latest financial technology news.
TransFicc builds its own datacenters to cut outsourcing costs
The Ion competitor is looking for better control, lower latency, and improved redundancy.
Reflections on a decade of post trade
After years of neglect, back-office processes are finally getting attention. Wei-Shen wonders how much innovation can truly take place in the back office and how processes will actually improve.
It’s amateur hour: examining retail trading and options data
Cutting-edge data shows non-professionals are driven by news events and a desire to make a quick buck.
Waters Wrap: The buy side, the changing nature of buy v. build, and how fintech has evolved
Neal Pawar, the former CTO of AQR and current COO of Qontigo, chats with Anthony about some of the major trends that are changing how asset managers interact with the vendor community, and how this shift mirrors the most significant evolutions in capital…
Waters Rankings 2022 Winner's Interview: BestEx Research
BestEx Research won the best algorithmic trading provider category in this year’s Waters Rankings.
Democratising market data in a changing era
CME Group explores why demand for instant, simpler data is driving direct access to exchanges via cloud technology
New study shows mainframes still popular despite the rise of cloud—though times are changing…fast
A whitepaper from the DTCC and Celent finds that 67% of buy- and sell-side firms hope to be “cloud first” by 2024, but mainframes still part of the equation.
This Week: Six Group, Broadway Technology/ MarketAxess, Linedata and more
A summary of the latest financial technology news.
The tortoise and the hare ... and the unicorn
Where will private market unicorns finish in the race between the public market tortoises and hares? ApeVue looks at data from the opaque private markets for answers.
After switch to Google, Symphony begins data migration for clients
Symphony decided to first migrate client data to Google from AWS, and then focus on applications.
SEC deadline raises existential questions for US market data
This month, the commission must decide on a fee filing under its market data modernization efforts. Jo wonders how likely we are to see those efforts materialize any time soon.
This Week: Numerix/Genstar, Overbond/TMX, Six and more
A summary of the latest financial technology news.
Will there ever be one TR to rule them all? No chance…
A wave of regulatory reviews is renewing interest in unified data repositories. But Josephine says a centralized utility for trade reporting is never going to happen.