The Deal of the Millennium
As the CEO of an exchange technology provider, what do you do when a premier global exchange comes knocking on your door asking if you would be interested in providing them with a new trading system and also whether they could make a strategic investment…
LSE Completes Turquoise Acquisition
LONDON-Last week, LSE Group, operator of the London Stock Exchange (LSE), completed the purchase of pan-European multilateral trading facility (MTF) Turquoise-which it plans to integrate with its Baikal MTF-and appointed David Lester CEO of Turquoise…
Cinnober Gains Real-Time Clearing Client
STOCKHOLM-Trading and clearing platform vendor Cinnober has signed the first client-an unnamed firm-for its new real-time clearing platform, and is negotiating with three or four parties in Europe who are looking for a clearing system, vendor officials…
LSE Shuffles Execs, Hires New CIO
LONDON-In preparation for integrating the Turquoise multilateral trading facility (MTF) with its Baikal dark liquidity pool and rolling out its MillenniumIT Exchange, the operators of the London Stock Exchange (LSE) have hired Antoine Shagoury to be CIO.