LSE Hits Users with Fee Double-Whammy
The London Stock Exchange has notified customers of a planned 2.5 percent increase in fees for a broad range of its market data services, covering the majority of its redistribution licenses, professional user fees, and non-display and application usage…
LSE to Institute First Wireless Connection to Datacenter
London Stock Exchange (LSE) will debut in November a millimeter wave (MMW) link between its City of London datacenter and the Equinix datacenter in Slough, cutting latency by a third compared to some fiber links.
LSE Preps Wireless Data Net to Equinix Slough
The London Stock Exchange will next month go live with low-latency wireless connectivity between its datacenter in the City of London and Equinix's datacenter campus in Slough, west of London, which many market operators and trading firms have chosen to…
Three LEI Utilities Endorsed, 3,000 CICIs Sidelined
Pre-legal entity identifier utilities in the US, Germany and France have become the first to be admitted into the official interim LEI system, but 3,000 CFTC Interim Compliant Identifiers will not be globally recognized
Pre-LEI Issuers Respond to Demand for Consolidated Files
The London Stock Exchange has begun issuing consolidated files of pre-legal entity identifier data from all pre-local operating units and WM Datenservice plans to follow suit, following demand from data users for a single source of pre-LEI data
Turquoise Derivatives Arm Relaunched Under New LSEG Colors
London Stock Exchange Group (LSEG) today announced it has acquired the derivatives business of Turquoise, the London-based multilateral trading facility.
Data Execs: "We Need Consolidated Pre-LEI Files"
As the number of utilities issuing pre-legal entity identifiers increases, delegates at the European Financial Information Summit called for a single source they can use to find all of the pre-LEI data they need
LSE Discusses its New Role Allocating Pre-LEIs
Emma Kalliomaki, the London Stock Exchange's head of SEDOL masterfile, discusses the processes it has put in place to ensure the uniqueness and validity of the pre-legal entity identifiers it issues in its new role as a pre-Local Operating Unit
Regulation & Standards special report
September 2013 - sponsored by:Citihub, Genpact, GoldenSource, London Stock Exchange, SIX Financial Information
Choosing Data Battles
Choices concerning the value of data, the use of data utilities and planning data governance are gaining importance to firms preparing to meet data demands produced by new compliance requirements
Hillman to Consult After Leaving LSE
Jarod Hillman, former head of real-time data at the London Stock Exchange Group, who left his position over the summer, is setting up an independent data consultancy to provide market participants among trading venues, redistributors, and consumer firms…
LSE Launches Bulk Registration For Pre-LEIs
The London Stock Exchange expects large firms and fund managers to take advantage of the option to request pre-legal entity identifiers for multiple entities in a single process
Light and Shade In LEI Outlook
Shifts in legal entity identifier guidelines attract attention to the differences between countries on how to implement the identification standard
Turquoise Hires Barnes for CEO Role
Turquoise, the multilateral trading facility (MTF) owned by the London Stock Exchange Group, has announced that former UBS MTF CEO Robert Barnes will join the platform business as its chief executive.
ROC Rule Changes Force Purge Of CICIs
The Regulatory Oversight Committee's pre-LOU guidance spurs Swift and the Depository Trust and Clearing Corporation to remove 18,000 CFTC Interim Compliant Identifiers that do not meet requirements
LSE Goes Live with Pre-LOU
The London Stock Exchange has become the fourth organization to launch a pre-Local Operating Unit that will allocate pre-Legal Entity Identifiers and include a process of entity validation, duplication prevention and entity eligibility checks
LSE Reveals Details of Pre-LOU to Be Launched on July 31
The London Stock Exchange is preparing to launch its pre-legal entity identifier (pre-LEI) utility which will include a flexible search engine and the ability to view the records of pre-LEIs issued by other organizations
LCH.Clearnet CEO Ian Axe to Step Down
The London Stock Exchange Group (LSE) has announced that LCH.Clearnet CEO Ian Axe is to leave his position, after leading the global clearing house group for more than two years.
LSE Announces Second European CSD
The London Stock Exchange Group (LSE) has announced that it will launch a central securities depository (CSD) in Europe, complementing its existing Monte Titoli CSD.
London Stock Exchange to Acquire Turquoise Derivatives
The London Stock Exchange Group (LSE) is to acquire Turquoise Global Holdings' derivatives platform, to improve the efficiency of their clearing and margin arrangements in light of upcoming derivatives regulations.
Ex-LSE CTO Paine Goes to London Metal Exchange
The London Metal Exchange (LME) has appointed former London Stock Exchange (LSE) CTO Robin Paine as its new CTO.
MTS Launches European IRS Platform
MTS, a subsidiary of the London Stock Exchange, has announced the launch of MTS Swaps, its platform for the electronic trading of interest-rate swaps in Europe, aimed at buy-side institutions.
MTS Prepares to Launch US Fixed-Income Platform
Fixed-income trading marketplace MTS has announced that it will launch a bond platform for US institutional entities, and has registered a US subsidiary in the process.