Gu Rejoins HSBC to Head Financial Institutions Group in China
Rani Gu has taken charge of HSBC's global payments and cash management's financial institutions group in China.
2012's Financial Crime Coups Raise Stakes, Anxiety
Global regulation was the year’s obsession, but criminal probes─from rate rigging to rogue trading; sanctions violations to insider bets─won the headlines in 2012. Not every financial crime has a ready tech fix, but with buy-side cornerstones like SAC…
Money Laundering Problems Fuel Support For LEI
The legal entity identifier and hierarchical data can help to prevent anti-money laundering failures like the high-profile cases at HSBC and Standard Chartered, according to data management experts
UBS, HSBC Complete RMB Repo with Euroclear
UBS and HSBC have completed their first cross-border renminbi triparty repo, using Euroclear Bank and the Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) as collateral agents.
HSBC's Childe: Back-Testing Key to Mitigate Algo Failures
Panelists at the European Trading Architecture Summit (ETAS) yesterday discussed how to mitigate algorithmic trading errors that can cause catastrophic losses, saying that thorough back-testing is crucial to performance stability.
Infrastructure Change Is Good
Upgrading legacy systems is a necessity for buy-side and sell-side firms if they are to maximize revenues and keep up with regulations.
Infographic: Major Bank Fines in 2012
A visualization of some of the largest regulatory penalties levied this year.
New Tech Benchmarks Required After HSBC AML Failure Probe
The US Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations found the bank's monitoring of correspondent relationships and bulk cash transactions wanting. Enterprise-level solutions are required to solve complex anti-money laundering problems.
Chung Takes on New Role at HSBC
Hong Kong-based Michelle Chung has been named regional client relationship manager, Asia-Pacific, in HSBC's global data services unit
FTSE Hires Tech Vets for ESG Services
Index company sets up new unit to build client services for assessing impact of ESG issues.
Shining a Light on Evaluated Pricing
Strapline: Pricing & Valuations
Framing a Client Onboarding Policy
Nicholas Hamilton discovers how global financial institutions manage different client onboarding requirements across jurisdictions and how effective management of the onboarding process can expand business
Ready to Comply?
Strapline: Golden Copy
Ready for Anything
Financial firms’ commitments to service providers who fill operational needs are by necessity usually long-term. As Nicholas Hamilton reports, however, the field is becoming more competitive and some contract flexibility is entering the picture
EFIS Panelists Say Reference Data Units Should Emulate Market Data Downstream Tracking
Data tracking systems and 'week in the life of' projects will help resolve ownership and cost allocation issues caused by centralized systems, panelists at EFIS said
Anthony Malakian: The Regulatory Air Over There
After hearing first-hand about the European regulatory environment on a recent trip to the other side of the pond, Anthony was left chanting, "USA! USA! USA!"