Looking Ahead to ETAS
This week sees the second annual European Trading Architecture Summit being held in London.
Be Thankful for Regulation
In 2013, Anthony says it's imperative that firms look at regulatory changes not as a burden, but as an opportunity.
Demanding Basel III Clarity
Despite postponed and longer-term deadlines, larger firms should be prepared to comply with Basel III rules, but they will need more specifics and final versions from those drafting the regulations
Where Next for Risk and Compliance?
While tools and trinkets are pretty, the key to proper regulatory compliance is attitude and information.
Is It Time For Data Management To Get Its Game On?
Delegates at last week's Asia-Pacific Financial Information Conference were fascinated by the suggestion that data management can be improved and made more engaging by adopting techniques from the computer games industry
The Uncertainty is Gone─Whether You Like It or Not
After months of uncertainty, the electorate in the US has voted for four more years with President Obama, which means that Dodd-Frank isn't going anywhere.
Tightening the Belt
It's not just people and processes, but everything else that costs money. Just ask the banks.
Quantifying Catastrophe After Sandy
Business continuity planning is certain to receive renewed attention in the wake of Hurricane Sandy that ravaged the East Coast of the US this week. Reliability will be a focus, but so too should firms seek to better understand the threats.
Exponential Growth in Benchmark Data
Greater competition among benchmark data providers, along with a willingness to look at other industries' data management practices, could spur innovation in financial reference data management
Open Platform: Business Operations Management Key in Securities Trading
In the fast-paced, risk-prone world of securities trading, establishing a business operations management methodology is a must.
Open Platform: Short Sighted on Short Selling
Today, the ban on short selling in the European Union comes into force. It will have potentially harmful effects on market quality, while producing few benefits.
Lessons Learned From the Mother of All Storms
Despite being devastating, Hurricane Sandy provided a valuable opportunity for firms to test their BCP contingencies. Did your firm pass or fail?
James Rundle: Mergers and Inquisitions
After last year’s string of disastrous merger attempts among stock exchanges, it seems that the trading venue giants once more have the bit between their teeth. While there have been some successes, James says there probably won’t be a winding back of…
Anthony Malakian: There’s No ‘Simple’ in Integration
Even in the face of constrained budgets, buy-side firms are still pushing forward on projects to combine their OMSs and EMSs. But, says Anthony, you can’t get the goods without the green.
Michael Shashoua: Basel III’s Fault Lines
The likelihood that the Basel III capital adequacy rules will not take effect in January as planned is not surprising. Michael asks if the delay will allow for extra time to make the rules more effective or is it just a necessary evil to get…
Max Bowie: Forget Lower Latency, Focus on Lower Costs
As it becomes prohibitively expensive to be among the fastest players, Max says firms are realizing that trading isn’t a 100-meter sprint, but more of a “tough mudder,” where speed alone isn’t a sustainable differentiator unless accompanied by strategy.
Open Platform: How to Tackle Digital Investigations
Internal investigations, underpinned by a unified investigations solution, can help financial services firms meet the demands of multiple regulations and frameworks. By Frank Coggrave
60 Seconds with ...
Tom Warren, president, UAT, Inc.
November 2012: I Love the Smell of Irony in the Morning
Victor doesn't like change, but acknowledges it is a constant, so as the capital markets evolve, so, too, must technology.
Is Grease The Word for Identifiers?
Reference data management operations still need some stimulation to move forward on LEI implementation
Hurricane? What Hurricane?
As Sandy sweeps across the East Coast, going electronic seems to make more sense than ever.