Quantum Concern: Some Takeaways After Covering Quantum Computing’s Evolution
Asia editor Wei-Shen Wong has been covering the quantum space closely for over a year, and she has some thoughts on its progression.
January 2018: Getting Your Bitcoin’s Worth
Financial firms spent a lot of last year focused on Mifid II compliance, but also clearly spent significant time following the ups and downs of cryptocurrencies - and assessing whether to invest in this new asset class.
Regulatory Compliance Lessons from The Merchant of Venice
Key Information Documents—mandatory under new regulations—are coming in for criticism. Jamie Hyman asks whether compliance managers might have to decide between obeying the letter and the spirit of the law.
The Intertwined Relationship Between Humans and AI
Aggelos explores people’s fear of artificial intelligence and uses the financial services industry as an example to demonstrate that robots and humans are bound to walk together.
A Look Back at Emerging Technologies in 2017
Looking back at the big technology talking points In the past year.
The Bitcoin Futures Feeding Frenzy
Every exchange with a passing interest in commodities seems to be developing bitcoin futures, but the underlying asset is still a risky proposition for all but the most sophisticated—or ignorant—investors, James argues.
So This Is Mifid (II), and What Have You Done?
John reflects on how Mifid II has dominated the news in recent months and asks if the industry is really ready for such a sea change at a time when new regulation is now just part of doing business.
January 2018: A Step in the Right Direction
Victor discusses WatersTechnology's inaugural Women in Technology and Data Awards, which are scheduled to take place on March 9.
What to Do About Mifid II
Europe’s regulatory big bang arrives today as an evolving set of rules rather than a finished product.
December 2017: Mifid II: The Gift that Keeps on Giving
If you’ve left your Christmas shopping until the last minute, you’re not alone: Many financial market participants have also fallen behind with their plans for the holidays—and specifically for New Year, after which the second iteration of Europe’s…
Out with Old, in with the New (Regulation)
As 2017 limps to the finish line in what has been an often draining year, John previews what the sell side will be concerned with going into 2018, or as it is better known, the Year of Mifid II.
Chat Rooms and Trading Floors
“We’re a more socially-connected world, there have been advances in compliances controls, and there have been changes in social norms."
Big Tech Has a Big Hill to Climb Before Disrupting Asset Managers
While asset management doesn’t have anywhere near the same level of regulatory oversight as investment banking or consumer retail banking, the winds of change are blowing.
70 Minutes with Steven Maijoor
Aggelos Andreou looks back on some of the topics of conversation that didn't make his profile of Esma's Steven Maijoor.
December Features, Cryptocurrencies and Farewell: A Week in Review
John reviews the biggest stories of the last week, including the Waters December features and bids farewell to WatersTechnology.
December 2017: Innovation—the Battle for Hearts and Minds
Victor says chief innovation officers are becoming more common in the industry, but they have their work cut out for them.
Goldman Sachs, Research Renaissance and Mergers: A Week in Review
John reviews SST’s biggest stories of the last week, including Goldman Sachs, new research technologies, and the latest M&A activity.
Open Platform: Starting Blocks and Auction Blocks - The Importance of a Strong Start and Finish in Setting Prices
Oliver Albers, vice president of Global Information Services at Nasdaq, argues the case for the value of opening and closing auction processes, and the value of the data they create.
November 2017: The Risks of Over-Optimism, From Mifid to Messaging
More complex regulatory and competitive environments inevitably create more complicated data requirements.
Gardening, Uber & Culture: Takeaways from this year's WatersTechnology Innovation Summit
John details his key takeaways from the first WatersTechnology Innovation Summit.
One Hour, Three Women: A Conversation About Equality
A report on WatersTechnology's first-ever webinar on workplace equality
All Eyes on Innovation in London Next Week
November 15 sees WatersTechnology hosting the first Innovation Summit, at the Hilton Tower Bridge in London.
The Innovation Odyssey
John previews the upcoming WatersTechnology Innovation Summit and talks Super Mario.
Millennials Ruin Many Things, but Not Cybersecurity
The younger generation's knowledge of technology makes them far easier to teach cybersecurity policies to.