Reference Data Hits the Headlines
Since the launch of Inside Reference Data in April last year, I've had little opportunity to keep in touch with my old friends at corporate actions data and software vendor Xcitek and data management provider Asset Control. But both firms graced the…
Hitting the Gas
When Exegy and HyperFeed first unveiled the idea of a hardware-accelerated, appliance-based ticker plant at last year's SIA show, it was greeted with a mixture of awe and bewilderment. Some struggled to comprehend the new technology. Others said it…
The Keys to Cross-Asset Integration
Effective data management strategies can be a major contributor to growing revenues and reducing costs by integrating across asset classes. By Arup Sinha and Roy Antony
Into the Dark Pool
Editor’s letter: Been there, done that
I can't help but feel that the EMS boom that the buy side is currently experiencing is another example of a passing fad. I hope I am wrong on this score – and by writing this I am by no means trivialising or casting doubt on the efforts that a number of…
The middle way
Tony Swei of Tradar looks at the benefits and potential pitfalls for hedge funds that have decided to outsourcing certain middle-office functions including accounting
The cost of oblivion
What happened to the dream of starting a hedge fund with a few million dollars, a phone and a PC?
The changing face of OMSs
The global investment management industry is experiencing an increasingly rapid rate of change, creating a challenge for portfolio managers, traders and providers of trading systems alike. LatentZero's Richard Hooke explains how buy-side order management…
A case in point
Over the past several months, copious amounts of editorial ink have been devoted in this and other buy-side publications to the increasing interest of investment and hedge fund managers in execution management systems (EMS). Interest has, in turn, given…
A Mitt for Market Data?
Last week's column had a distinct baseball theme, with sporting analogies and quotes from the great Yogi Berra. This week, I'm continuing the theme—partly because I'm excited about the new season that's about to begin, and also because the game neatly…
On Deck in the Data Dugout
With the baseball season about to get under way in my adopted homeland, it's not surprising that I find many conversations about market data littered with sporting analogies. Why? Perhaps because, as anyone who has witnessed a good double- or even triple…
"Direct" Comparisons
Last week in this column, I compared the financial results of the big three listed real-time data vendors—Reuters, Thomson Financial and Interactive Data (minus Bloomberg, of course, which is privately held). One thing that became clear—apart from the…
Show Me the Money
The products from today's market data vendors allow all sorts of investment professionals to compare and contrast companies side-by-side. But how do the vendors themselves compare?
Setting the Standards for Managing MiFID
With time running out for compliance with the European Union's MiFID regulations, and no common reference data standards in sight, firms should look at how they can leverage existing technologies, and incorporate recommendations where they exist, rather…
Quest for 'Best'