In-House or Outsource?That is the Question
Alan Philpot, chief executive of Penson Financial Services, examines some of the data management challenges facing clients today, and what they can expect in the future
Report From Rhode Island
With its cruises, mansion tours and beachfront clambakes, you might be forgiven for thinking that the FISD's World Financial Information Conference in Newport, Rhode Island last week was just one big market data love-in. However, there was a range of…
Anticipating Change
Editor's Letter: Wake me up when the data bit's done
Like it or not, data management is boring. It's tedious, it's uninspiring but it's also undeniably crucial to every financial services organisation regardless of their business focus or location. This much emerged during my recent conversation with Mike…
Pre-trade TCA: New challenges, new technology
Stewart Eisenhart looks at a recent Aite Group report – Multi-asset portfolio systems: the buy side’s new pied piper – and concludes that although there is a sizable market in the US and UK for such systems, vendors are likely to find greater demand from…
Know your fund manager
Forget 'Know Your Customer', one of the recent vintage of compliance initiatives that mandates investment firms to know whose money is in their hands. In these days of risky hedge funds with shady characters handling billions of dollars, clients too have…
Rhode Island Bound
Imagine a situation where key business and technical figures in the market data industry were isolated from their companies and staff, unable to reach their workplace to perform the mission-critical duties that keep the financial world turning. What…
Speed Machines
Italian sportscar manufacturer Lamborghini unveiled its latest creation at the Frankfurt Motor Show last week—the fighter jet-inspired Reventon. The car goes from 0-62 mph in 3.4 seconds, and will empty your wallet even faster. Only 20 will be made and…
106 Shopping Days 'Til Christmas
The arrival of the latest Hammacher Schlemmer catalogue in my mailbox last week reminds me that Christmas is barely three-and-a-half months away, and that there must be someone who wants an animatronic singing Elvis, a DVD projector in the shape of R2D2,…
The Heat is On
If you managed to get away during the summer—whether you needed a parasol in Panama or a brolly in Blighty—we hope IMD 's readers had a good break. Because with market data issues showing no sign of any summer lull, you're going to need it.
The Hard Way
Accelerating data volume growth coupled with a relentless drive for lower latency is outstripping performance increases in the software infrastructures that financial firms rely on to handle market data. As a result, infrastructure architects are turning…
EDM: Moving From Concept to Reality
Michael Atkin calls for those in charge of EDM to deliver on their promises
In With the New
Editor’s letter: Get ready to lose some friends
That's what Matthew Crabbe, managing director of Incisive Media's financial risk management and trading technology division, advised me when we recently discussed BST 's plans to launch its inaugural Buy-Side Technology Awards in November this year. To…
Business standards time
Imagine that tomorrow there were no traffic laws. No speed limits, no need to signal for your turns, no right of way and no reason to stop you from drinking and driving. For our readers in New York, let's abolish the 'conceal and carry' laws for handguns…
Are we there yet?
Are we there yet? Simon Morris and Ash Saluja, partners at CMS Cameron McKenna, look at Mifid and its various permutations for buy-side organisations from a legal perspective.
Bandwidth's silver bullet
The expectations of regulators and investors of best execution are forcing broker/dealers on both sides of the Atlantic to evaluate their connectivity and supporting infrastructure. John Panzica argues that ethernet technology has the potential to…
Thinning the herd
War isn't pretty and neither, so it seems, is running a leveraged investment strategy with significant credit exposures in the face of a precipitous mortgage market downturn. The list of hedge fund casualties continues to climb in the wake of the US sub…
Break Time
Max Bowie is on vacation. Due to the summer break, Inside Market Data will not publish on Aug. 27. His Opening Cross column will return in the next issue, which will be published on Monday, Sept. 3.
The Calm After the Storm?
The tornado that hit New York last week left not only a wake of felled trees, downed power lines and damaged homes, but also people stranded, late, confused, and struggling to reach their destination. What immediately became clear is that New York City's…
Fair Game
Just in case you missed it, Rupert Murdoch's News Corp. last week gained the backing of sufficient members of Dow Jones' controlling Bancroft family to support a takeover of the company—or maybe you read about it in The Wall Street Journal or on your Dow…