Up To Scratch
Rapid industry change and budgetary pressure have made it essential for data management projects to align with current realities and deliver consistent and timely value, says Sapient's Jeff Arena
Editor's Letter - Pressure to perform
In the investment management industry, performance is everything. It matters not a jot how well celebrated a fund's principals are, how long and blemish-free their track records are, or how good last year's returns were, if this year, this quarter, this…
Research management solutions: bringing the benefits of automation to the front office
It wasn't long ago that the quality and reliability of an asset manager's research was contingent to a large degree on its sell-side relationships. But the traditional buy side-sell side interaction has changed in recent years on both sides of the…
Markit under DOJ microscope
The US government's ongoing efforts to rein in unregulated OTC derivatives may have landed credit market and pricing data provider Markit in hot water - or at least caused an operational headache - just as the firm is set to launch its new MarktiSERV…
Bells and whistles
Finally, it seems like the internet innovations of the past couple of years are trickling through into financial applications. There has recently been a big push among client-facing financial organisations to provide richer, better tools to their buy…
To Everything, Turn, Turn, Turn
If recent weeks had an oldies theme song, it would be a toss-up between "Turn! Turn! Turn!" by Pete Seeger and David Bowie's "Changes." This past week saw three acquisition announcements: NYSE Technologies' purchase of Nyfix ( see story, this issue ),…
'Dex Appeal
Though sophisticated traders might eschew investments based on indexes, current markets have prompted a flight to safety in indexes and exchange-traded funds, resulting in a frenzy of new activity in the index space. Indexes also continue to be in demand…
Patent Lather
Many great things start life as obscure documents in a patent office. Even Albert Einstein began his career as a clerk in the Bern patent office. However, you don't need to be a genius to figure out why a series of patent lawsuits filed recently in a…
The Dog Days of Summer
As an employee working in the U.S., one thing I have always envied about workers in Europe is their sane idea of closing up shop in August and going on vacation. Nothing good ever seems to sprout for firms during the hottest part of the summer. The…
Is ‘Flashing' Just Indecent Exposure?
Recent controversy over the use of "flash" orders and their potential to give some market participants a sneak peek at liquidity before it is displayed publicly last week prompted some exchanges to withdraw their flash functionality, possibly to pre-empt…
Tear Down the Silos
The evolution of IT in the banking industry is driven by the constant pressures of financial innovation and regulatory compliance. In combination with IT vendors plying their wares, this has led to the widely recognized problem of information silos,…
Tame, Don't Kill, the Beast
Turn on any news channel or pick up any newspaper, and you would think that high-frequency trading is the greatest plague to afflict human beings since the Black Death. If I see another elected official discuss the elimination of high-velocity trading, I…
The New Reality
Open Platform
Code Theft Fallout
A Flash in the Pan?
Summer in the City
Time for a Standards Strategy
Collaboration over standards is on the rise, and recurring issues are being tackled, but a centralised strategic approach could be the more appropriate solution, says London Market Systems' Martin Sexton
Time for a Standards Strategy
Collaboration over standards is on the rise, and recurring issues are being tackled, but a centralised strategic approach could be the more appropriate solution, says London Market Systems' Martin Sexton
Editor's Letter - Bureaucracy waiting to happen?
Dark pools have become such an integral and important part of the buy side that I guess it was only a matter of time before the regulators got stuck in. Last month, Mary Schapiro, chairwoman of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), indicated that…
The cap-and-trade tirade
From financial reform to healthcare and war, it seems no issue will escape scrutiny and revision in the US this year. But it is energy policy, and in particular emissions management, that a number of hedge funds and other trading desks are keeping their…
An overdue shake-up?
Ever since Buy-Side Technology and its forerunner, Hedge Fund & Investment Technology, first started covering dark pools more than a few years ago, we've consistently heard two major themes voiced by investment managers, consultants and vendors.