The Behemoth Awakens
It's a safe bet that LSE Group CEO Xavier Rolet has surprised many in the industry with the recent acquisition of exchange technology provider MillenniumIT, and now it appears that he has set his sights on multilateral trading facility (MTF) Turquoise (…
'Death Panels' for Derivatives?
I'm always wary of visiting the doctor because I worry I'll discover that I have something seriously wrong and will have to undergo a lengthy course of treatment that prevents me from getting on with other things. Likewise, Wall Street is no fan of…
Markets Need to Get It Together
Open Platform
Heads in the Clouds
Building the Artificial Trader
The Risk Factors
The Netflix Challenge
Open Platform
Semantics Repository Takes Shape
The aim of the EDM Council semantics repository is to set out the terms for securities in such a way that each meaning is represented once, no matter what words different people might use for that concept, says Hypercube's Mike Bennett
Editor's letter - The trickle-down effect
The buy side has changed. Of that there is little doubt. Buy-side firms simply aren't making the returns they were two years ago, which has impacted their profitability by paring their performance and management fees. This new and challenging operating…
Realising data's potential
In uncertain times, the ability to assimilate data in a meaningful way across the enterprise is a key component of effective investment management. But how can you manage and consolidate the huge volume of data that is available, and more importantly,…
Lessons unheeded
"The good news is, I don't really see financial reform happening this year. "So claimed Linda Lord, managing director and head of US legislative and regulatory affairs at UBS, in an unmistakably partisan speech before this year's TradeTech West 2009…
The price of the position
Anyone who thought they could manage their positions based on individual instrument duration, along with instrument market value-to-fund ratios, has recently learned some harsh lessons. Fixed-income fund managers are looking for new levels of effort to…
Achieving Best Ex
There is one thing that industry participants can agree upon: The global economic recovery is not around the corner, which means best execution is more important today than ever before, especially considering the high levels of competition we are seeing…
Different Cities, Same Issues
A theme that crops up again and again, whether you're in Chicago or London, is the issue of how to address rising volumes of market data. While the US options market has been facing this problem for some time-and addressing it with innovations such as…
The Deal of the Millennium
Operators of the London Stock Exchange (LSE) left many industry watchers scratching their heads last week when they announced the planned £18 million ($30 million) purchase of Sri Lanka-headquartered exchange platform provider MillenniumIT ( see story,…
Putting a Value on Valuations
Valuations aren't just a part of firms' investment and portfolio management strategies; they are also big business, as Thomson Reuters' recent forays into evaluated pricing with the acquisition of part of Moody's Evaluations, and the hires of staff from…
A Chance of Clouds
Watching the evolution of cloud computing, I can't help but have that nagging feeling of déjà vu as various people in the industry stake out different strategies on how to link cloud computing environments.
Keeping Us in The Loop-Literally
This week, Inside Market Data takes to the road again, this time to Chicago, home of the Cubs, the White Sox, and quite a few Bulls and Bears beyond the sports teams of the same name.
The New Data Imperative: Real-Time Risk
As hints of a market recovery start to emerge, what can Wall Street do to avoid another crisis? Sybase senior executives Dr. Raj Nathan, Irfan Khan, and Sinan Baskan condense the key advice from their recent book, The New Data Imperative: Managing Real…
Reaping What You Sow
Now that August is over, we are about to enter my favorite season of the year: autumn. There is no place better in autumn than the Hudson River Valley or Western New York, no matter what those trash-talking New Englanders might say. There is something…
Keeping Up with the Co-Los
Low-latency data and its surrounding technologies have become big business. I hadn't realized just how big until I saw a report last week from Brazilian exchange group BM&F Bovespa showing the increases in direct market access trading, and specifically…
Managing the Hedging Risk
Open Platform