Slow Burn: SEFs Make Small Gains as US Market Adjusts to Electronic Trading
In February, it became mandatory to execute certain swap contracts on electronic platforms, introducing what should have been wholesale change to the way that trading operates in the derivatives market. Half a year on, though, evidence of a revolution in…
Unique Boutiques: Smaller Hedge Funds Demand Bespoke Tech
Boutique hedge funds are prime targets for third-party technology providers, but they have also become more complicated to win and to service, in part because their back-stories—and clients’ demands—are more diverse than ever. Tim Bourgaize Murray speaks…
T+2: Catalyst for Change
The move to a shortened settlement period from three days to two, commonly referred to as T+2, is set to shake up the European buy-side community when it comes into force on October 6. Marina Daras looks at the impact T+2 could have on transaction…
Slow Budget Growth Prompts New Spending Strategies
Anemic technology budget growth—a large portion of which is tied up in compliance—means firms are looking to make the most of the money they do have to spend on IT. Strategies for stretching the available dollars include restructuring budgets and…
Last month's second deadline under the European regulation, following a February scramble, found the industry better prepared with better command of data reporting requirements, Joanna Wright reports
Managing Data Supply Chains For Golden Copy
Shoring up the components of the data supply chain is proving key to producing golden copy data. This can mean standardization and centralization, or the careful federation and linking of operations tasks, as Michael Shashoua reports
Corlito's Way: BTG Pactual COO Dayna Corlito
Thousands of miles from Copacabana Beach, BTG Pactual is doing things a once-small banking partnership from an emerging market shouldn’t be able to—managing a diverse group of admired hedge funds. Yes, the firm’s successful foray into asset management…
Dark Pools in the Firing Line
As the New York attorney general, the SEC and Finra set their sights on dark pool trading, larger market structure issues are coming to the fore that will force institutional traders to reexamine how they seek out liquidity. By Anthony Malakian
Firms Eye Disaster Recovery Amid Increasingly Interconnected Markets
After the recent cyber-attack against the European Central Bank, the financial industry is taking another look at business continuity and resilience. As the marketplace grows in complexity and participants become increasingly interconnected, disaster…
Ghost in the Shell: AI Expands Beyond Algos
As market movements become faster and more complex, it is impossible for humans to react quickly enough to those changes, requiring machines to step in. Now, artificial intelligence is extending its reach beyond algorithms, permeating other aspects of…
Choosing Tools and Setting Models
Efforts to raise data quality require both coordination of data processes and resources, and clearer definition of expectations in data modeling and contracting with service providers. Michael Shashoua reports on data managers' insights about how to…
Facing Up to the New Regulatory World
The BCBS 239 risk data aggregation principles, CCAR and FDSF stress tests, and COREP and FINREP reporting frameworks are some of the most significant new measures developed by regulators and are having a major impact on data management, writes Nicholas…
New Approaches to Corporate Actions
In a July 8 webcast, four industry experts analyzed the approaches firms should take to capture and process the data they need about corporate action events and fully understand the impact of these events
IBOR: No Walk in the Park
The investment book of record (IBOR) phenomenon currently sweeping the buy side shows no sign of slowing down, as asset managers on both sides of the Atlantic start moving down the road toward managing their investment positions and cash, not only on an…
Technologically In-Klined: Seer Capital CIO Jack Kline
Seer Capital, founded only a few years ago in the wake of the 2008 financial crisis, today invests in a broad array of securitized credit. That’s possible because of the flexible architecture implemented by CIO Jack Kline, who knows that traders can’t be…
The Critical Asset: Buy Side Embraces Data Governance, but Challenges Remain
While the concept of data governance has been around for several years, regulation is providing a fresh impetus to convert theory into practice. However, changing the perception of data and established cultures in buy-side organizations is harder than it…
Fits and Start(up)s: Chasing New Fintech Innovation Models
Incubators, accelerators, and mentoring programs have gained favor in recent years as start-up financial technology providers look to partner with clients—and potential strategic investors—earlier in the launch process, and global financial centers seek…
Israel: Land of Startups
Israel is currently one of the hottest places for high-tech companies to establish themselves, with the country featuring one of the highest numbers of start-ups per capita in the world. With such a fertile ground for developing cutting-edge technologies…
Wisdom of Crowds
During an Inside Reference Data webcast on June 25, data management experts explored how crowd computing could help financial firms manage new regulatory requirements, by sharing the burden between freelance workers and automation tools, and leaving…
Data Governance As Leverage
Industry executives are looking to move away from their traditional use of data management resources and methods. Michael Shashoua reports that EDM, centralization and shifts in firms’ cultures are all being considered
Transparency Becomes Greater Concern In Evaluated Pricing
In a June 4 webcast about transparent pricing, experts in the field explained the different types of information vendors are being asked to provide for due diligence, accounting disclosures and daily price challenges, writes Nicholas Hamilton
The Acquisition: Japan Exchange Group CIO Yoshinori Suzuki
Yoshinori Suzuki, CIO of Japan Exchange Group, has overseen a massive technology overhaul during his tenure at the organization—but it’s an overhaul that he never expected to be in charge of just a few years ago. By Anthony Malakian, with photos by James…
In Spain, Technology Charts 'Bad Bank' Path
The European ‘bad bank’ model has become one of global finance’s more ubiquitous contrivances, addressing a scourge of toxic assets that more and more markets find themselves coping with. Tim Bourgaize Murray examines the Spanish real estate market—and…
A Collateral Opportunity?
Since the failure of Lehman Brothers in September 2008, the spotlight has settled on buy-side and sell-side firms’ collateral management disciplines. Risk mitigation, protection of assets, measuring counterparty exposure, and secured funding are some of…