Emerging Technologies
What Does the Partnership Between BlackRock and MarketAxess Say About Aladdin?
BlackRock made big news last year by opening up its Aladdin corporate bond trading platform to the broader market. Some feel that its recent alliance with MarketAxess means it has already thrown in the towel.
S&P's Sta. Maria Takes EMEA Role; Ordonez To Head APAC Sales
Rocco Sta. Maria of data and pricing vendor S&P Capital IQ is to move to London to head sales for Europe, the Middle East and Africa, while Jose Ordonez will replace him as managing director of sales and client services for Asia-Pacific
Lessons Learned from Conference Season
Looking at the tenor and tone of the financial services technology debate so far this year.
Back Office Vendors Talk About What's on Tap
A group of back office vendors at the Futures Industry Association (FIA) New York Expo had a chance to brag about the most exciting product they have on offer, or in the works. This is what they offered up.
Can Telecommuting Work on the Buy Side?
Advancements in technology have made it easier than ever for employees to work from home─or at a bar or beach. Capital markets firms are now having to decide how much freedom to let their workers have.
Hubert Holmes Joins Interactive Data As Reference Data MD
The former Xignite, Chi-X and Reuters executive has taken responsibility for Interactive Data's Apex platform
Backstop Acquires PerTrac CMS
Backstop Solutions Group (BSG) has announced the acquisition of PerTrac's CMS product line, which provide customer-relationship management tools for institutional, buy-side clients.
2013 is a Year of Belt Tightening, Say Vendors
A rather grim picture was painted by vendors at the latest New York Expo of the Futures Industry Association. Margins are low on the sell side, which means fewer contracts for the problem solvers in the vendor community. The environment has vendors…
Iyer Joins iLevel
Software product management and marketing veteran Ganesh Iyer joins the Blackstone spin-off after three years at trading communications provider IPC.
60 Seconds with ...
Brian Sentance, CEO, Xenomorph