Joanna Wright
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Articles by Joanna Wright
Blockchain Standards' Pivotal Moment
Distributed ledger technology runs the risk of fragmentation as multiple vendors and permissioned ledgers emerge
What Does GDPR Mean for Banks?
The EU's General Data Protection Regulation imposes accountability for protecting customers' and employees' personal data. It's drawing more attention to data privacy protection capabilities
Sapient Global Markets Adds Matching Tool to Reporting Platform
Product works with Sapient platform or as a standalone solution for reporting to trade repositories and ARMs
Russian Depository Tests Blockchain for Voting
Open-source project built to assess automation in corporate actions processing
The Search For Identity
For OTC derivatives transactions, market participants seeing more challenges beyond just regulatory reporting demands
Hargreaves Lansdown Live with Calastone Settlement Service
Solution automates settlements for fund distributor
Corporate Actions: Only the Strong Survive
Spending by market participants in this area will increase over the next five years, says new report
Golden Copy: The Blockchain is Just a Database
Banks are looking into use cases where blockchain has little application
ICBC Standard Bank Picks Fenergo for Client Lifecycle Management
South Africa-based bank chooses solution for compliance with global regulations
Thornburg Selects Markit EDM
Vendor to help investment manager with data quality and governance issues
Northern Trust, AltX Team Up to Help Investors
New service aims to 'help clients ask better questions'
Product Governance Rules Require Insight
Financial product makers addressing new obligations under MiFID II
ESMA Shifts Data Project Into Gear
European regulator talks to trading venues before testing, to centralize data reporting and liquidity calculations
MiFID II is Getting Personal
Sensitive personal information about traders and decision-makers must be forwarded to regulators, leaving the industry seeing red
DTCC Fine Seen as Sign European Regulators are Watching
ESMA says repository neglected to provide data on OTC derivatives trades
SIX Gets ESMA Approval For Clearing Operations
x-clear unit of SIX Securities Services to serve as central counterparty