How Should the Industry Measure Latency Performance—and the Measurers?
Cherry-picking and data interpretation strategies remain topics of lively debate.
Big Data Panel Dreams Big
More interesting than what Big Data is, is what it could be. Five experts gave their opinions on a Big Data utopia.
Post-Trade Risk: Striking the Right Balance
Post-trade risk assessment is poised to grow in importance and deserves the attention of traders as clearing information becomes more available, according to panelists who spoke at the North American Trading Architecture Summit this week in New York.
UBS CTO McCormack Outlines Need for 'Radical Transformation'
During his keynote address at the North American Trading Architecture Summit this week in New York, Domhnall McCormack, CTO of UBS' investment bank, outlined six areas of focus for 2012, and looked ahead to what the industry will face in 2015.
Algos Made Faster: MathWorks and TT Build in Direct Exchange API
Signaling a trend in HFT software development, MathWorks and Trading Technologies introduce a newly built API connection for direct access to TT's exchanges and real-time data for algo back-testing.
Big Bark From Indian Regulator Carries Small Bite
India's SEBI recently released a set of guidelines for algo trading that appeared limiting, but most of the rules were already in place.
Post-Financial Crisis, Firms Must Address the Fallibility of Models
Following the release of a whitepaper, “Top 10 Best Practices for Managing Model Risk,” Fincad CEO Bob Park says one of the great lessons of the financial crisis is the importance of model validation and stress-testing.
Options IT Eyes Robust Internal Controls for Private Cloud
Vendor replaces SAS70 with SSAE 16, requiring greater external auditing and a dedicated report on security and availability.
APM Technology on the Rise
ITRS' Kevin Covington discusses APM technology and how the sector has evolved.
At FXall, Rubinow Gets ‘Front-Row Seat’ in FX Technology Development
After more than decade in the world of exchange operators, Steve Rubinow has chosen to blaze a new path at FXall. While the failed Deutsche Börse merger played a small role in his decision to leave NYSE Euronext, Rubinow says he was primarily seeking a…
Automation and Risk Management in FX Create Technology Challenges
As algorithmic trading continues to grow in foreign exchange (FX) markets, FX desks are becoming more like full-service providers than ever. Trading volumes and the number of instruments on offer have ramped up risk management issues, and therefore…
Markit Acquires Data Explorers in Buy-Side Play
Data Explorers' specialty in securities lending will provide an expansive data set and series of indices to clients.
Clear Horizon
Strapline: Industry Warehouse
The Time has Come for HTML5
Paul Caplin, CEO of financial software provider Caplin Systems, says 2012 is the year for HTML5.
The Time has Come for HTML5
Paul Caplin, CEO of financial software provider Caplin Systems, says 2012 is the year for HTML5.
Custody is the Rule: NSCC Building Better Alternative Investments Processing Automation
Strengthening the market for securities custody, NSCC's new automated possession and control functions will further improve the DTCC's administration of alternative investments. By Tim Murray
Regulation Cost Causes Technology Headache in Asia
Julian Korek, founding member of Kinetic Partners, says the Asian market is worried about the cost of installing new technologies to comply with regulations.
CFTC 30-Minute Rule Likely to Change Desk Operations
Strapline: Regulation & Standards
Market Survives Bats' Failed IPO; Will Bats?
While Bats failed IPO attempt-and subsequent mini-Flash Crash-led to numerous bad headlines, it doesn't have to be a death sentence for the usually tech-savvy exchange operator. Additionally, the event also shows that the industry has made strides since…
Market Survives Bats' Failed IPO; Will Bats?
While Bats failed IPO attempt-and subsequent mini-Flash Crash-led to numerous bad headlines, it doesn't have to be a death sentence for the usually tech-savvy exchange operator. Additionally, the event also shows that the industry has made strides since…
Firms Move Away From Siloed Data Management Tack
Firms are increasingly moving away from a siloed, departmental data management strategy to an enterprise-wide one, which, according to GoldenSource, requires a broader data coverage approach.
Firms Move Away From Siloed Data Management Tack
Firms are increasingly moving away from a siloed, departmental data management strategy to an enterprise-wide one, which, according to GoldenSource, requires a broader data coverage approach.
That Helpless Feeling: DDoS Attacks, Anonymous and Wall Street
Distributed denial of service attacks are nearly impossible to stop. But firms aren't completely helpless in defending against these coordinated assaults, either. By Anthony Malakian
That Helpless Feeling: DDoS Attacks, Anonymous and Wall Street
Distributed denial of service attacks are nearly impossible to stop. But firms aren't completely helpless in defending against these coordinated assaults, either. By Anthony Malakian