
Mifid II’s ‘Free’ Data Lockdown

Traders say Mifid II transparency is failing partly as a result of questionable practices by trading venues and APAs, which publish pre- and post-trade data, and that the data is not always available to the public for free as the law requires

How is the Industry Faring in a Post‑Mifid II World?

The revised Markets in Financial Information Directive (Mifid II) went into effect at the start of 2018 and, as with any significant regulation go-live, there were some hiccups. Three months later, there are still gaps that need to be filled –…

Esma Probes APAs Amid Mifid Trade Data Issues

Approved Publication Arrangements—a critical component in the new Mifid II European markets regulation—may be falling short of their requirements under the new transparency rules, and have drawn Esma’s attention. By Samuel Wilkes, with additional…