No-Deal Data Pacts Fail to Quell Hard Brexit Fears
UK and EU regulators agree to share data post-Brexit, but trading firms say this doesn’t go far enough.
Tech Releases Surge Ahead of Initial Margin Deadlines
The final phases of initial margin rules are expected to capture over the next two years more than 1,000 buy-side and sell-side firms, which technology providers see as potential customers.
IT Advances Insufficient to Beat Compliance Challenges
Outsourcing reporting could create technological dependencies that could add to firms’ problems in the future.
Bloomberg Gets Dutch Approval for ARM and APA
Authorization enables Bloomberg to continue servicing its EU27 client base following Brexit.
Concerns Mount as Trade Repositories Face Brexit Split
Months away from the UK’s departure from the EU, much of the industry is still in the dark over operational requirements post-Brexit, and time is running out.
The Best Longform Stories of 2018
Collating the best of our features throughout the year.
BondCliq to Launch Consolidated Quote Screen for Dealers
Corporate bond market data provider is also adding data visualization to its post-trade product.
Lingering Questions Remain over Mifid II
Nearly one year on from the fundamental changes to Europe’s trading rulebook brought about by Mifid II, its overall impact is still unclear. Although experts talk of greater transparency in the markets, it’s had its share of issues, some of which are…
Tokenization: The Flip Side of the Coin
Turning traditional assets into digitally traded data is one of the most commonly cited benefits of emerging technology, including distributed ledgers. But the reality is that the process is far more difficult than it seems.
Poor Decisions on Corporate Actions Result in $1.65 Billion Lost
New white paper estimates huge losses annually from scrip dividends alone.
IPC Sets Asian Unigy 360 Launch for Q1 2019
Increasing demand for mobility and free-seating in the work environment is one of the drivers for Unigy 360 within the region.
Tax Data Report: Fast-Forward into a New Era of Tax Data Management
Are you ready for a new era of tax transparency following the introduction of the Packaged Retail and Insurance-Based Investment Products (Priips) and the revised Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (Mifid II) regulations?
Refinitiv Launches Aggregated Bond APA Data
Officials say the service provides a comprehensive view of European fixed income trade data published by APAs and MTFs for best execution monitoring.
The Day the Data Stood Still
With the UK preparing to leave the EU in March, regulators have a limited amount of time to figure out how to keep the flow of information going between each other post-Brexit—and the window is closing.
Brexit's Unintended Consequences Could Include Mifid III
Political factors will influence fundamental changes made to EU financial regulation, says lawmaker.
Industry Slams Mifid II Data Quality
Troubles still plague reported data and transparency objectives, say fixed-income execs.
UK Regulator Seeks EU Equivalence and Cooperation
FCA chief executive says UK regulator is preparing for a range of Brexit options, and cross-border data sharing between regulators is 'essential.'
Established Exchanges Eye Crypto Swaps, Futures
ErisX will be launching a derivatives exchange and clearing organization, while trueDigital is releasing a bitcoin swap contract.
Flow Traders Deploys Corvil’s Intelligence Hub
The AI-driven intelligence hub will deliver real-time insights to enhance its risk management.
Consolidated Tape Headed for a Regulation Delegation
Whether through an industry initiative or a delegated acts, a consolidated tape provider will be established in Europe, and the industry could lose out if the regulators dictate the terms.
Arabesque Adds Eagle to List of ESG Data Users
Clients of Eagle Investment Systems now have access to the S-Ray sustainability analysis tool.
Waters 25: A Look Back on the Last Two Decades
Waters examines some of the most important events in financial technology of the past 25 years.
ISINs and LEIs Link Up To Increase Transparency And Manage Risk
ANNA and GLEIF partner on a new initiative linking ISIN and LEI standards to better understand cross-entity exposures and dependencies.
Coinfloor Awaits Green Light from Gibraltar
DLT providers are obliged to satisfy nine principles and pay an annual fee to comply with the regulatory framework.