Ticking clock: Firms in Asia face unique T+1 challenges
Firms in Asia worry about unintended consequences of massive change to settlement cycle.
Waters Wrap: A glimpse of 2024 through the looking glass of 2023
Anthony examines some of the biggest stories from the past year to preview what might be ahead.
One step forward, two steps back—European regulation grapples with the same old problems
Stop me if you've heard this one before...
Managing the FX challenge for T+1
As firms prepare for T+1 in May 2024, DTCC’s Val Wotton says they should also consider the complexities for cross-border trades.
Waters Wrap: Examining ASX’s CHESS do-over
The Australian exchange was the first exchange to be all-in on DLT—and the project failed. Anthony speaks with ASX’s Tim Whiteley to discuss the lessons learned and why he thinks the second attempt will succeed.
Settlement ‘instructions’: Firms look to US for guidance as Europe braces for T+1
Operations professionals in Europe look across the pond for lessons in managing shorter settlement cycles.
What firms should know ahead of the DSB’s UPI launch
Six jurisdictions have set deadlines for firms to implement the derivatives identifier, with more expected to follow.
Shortening the Settlement Cycle: Then and Now in Asia
DTCC’s Joseph Capablanca says that while T+1 will bring benefits to Asia investors, industry participants need to improve ‘behavioral processes’.
Digital assets trade processing: The roadblocks and the road ahead
Institutional investors want digital assets, but have several key concerns. Kristin Hochstein of ISITC explores some ways to improve investor confidence in the space.
Waters Wavelength Podcast: Broadridge’s Tyler Derr
Broadridge’s CTO Tyler Derr joins the podcast to talk about interoperability, blockchain, and other emerging tech.
A rough race begins: Industry faces uphill transition to T+1 settlement
With T+1 compliance set to begin next May, firms will likely be burdened by reduced IT budgets, existing legacy systems and manual processes over the next 15 months. So, while faster settlement will help innovate the middle and back office, some argue…
AI proves helpful for banks facing new cash penalties for settlement failures
According to one report, banks have been hit with penalties of up to €5 million per month under new CSDR settlement rules. As a result, banks are turning to AI to help.