APFIC 2014: Firms Must Focus on Data Integration to Meet Risk Regs
Banks have just over a year to address data integration challenges of Basel's new risk requirements
Compliance Through Crowd Computing -- Webcast
On June 25, Inside Reference Data hosted a webcast about how crowd computing can help financial institutions manage the requirements of new regulations by enabling them to combine automation tools, subject matter experts and online workers
Fatca: The End of the Beginning
Practitioners have spent many months preparing for key aspects of the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act that come into effect this week. But few will be able to breathe a sigh of relief when the US anti-tax evasion measure goes live, as similar…
Chief Data Officer: A Role Under Construction
Over the past few years, the capital markets have witnessed the promotion of data executives to the role of chief data officer (CDO), elevating data issues to the C-level. Marina Daras looks at how CDOs are making their way to the top of primarily sell…
The LEI—Looking into 2012
While firms prepare for the upcoming legal entity identifier (LEI) standard, all eyes remain on what it will take to make this a truly global solution. Carla Mangado speaks to experts in the field to find out where the market is really at when it comes…
Industry Girds for Mifid II
LONDON-The financial services industry is gearing up for the second version of the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (Mifid), according to participants who spoke during a recent industry roundtable on the effects of Mifid, adding that they…
Industry Calls for Exchange-Based Risk Management Tools
NEW YORK-Early last week, the Market Access Working Group of the Futures Industry Association (FIA)-the U.S.-based trade association for the futures and options industry-released its recommendations on managing direct access trading risk, which primarily…
It's Back
After the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) repealed the "uptick" rule in 2007, I remember asking a CTO of one of the major market-makers at the time if we would ever see its return. I didn't realize the floodgates I was opening. He went on…
Data Veterans Engage Industry Leaders To Create a Central Counterparty for Data Management
NEW YORK - US-based data specialists are engaging C-level executives at global firms to set up the Central Counterparty for Data Management (CCDM), an initiative focused on global data standardization and cleansing in the financial services industry,…
Preparing for Central Clearing
While the market is awaiting news of financial reform in the US, firms have started analyzing the potential impact of a move to central clearing of over-the-counter derivatives. The change in infrastructure would mean a growing need for automated…
Obama Administration rolls out new hedge fund registration rules
In a widely expected move , the US Treasury Department has proposed new legislation that would require hedge funds and other private investment funds to register with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).
The Costs of Change
Since the UK's Financial Services Authority recently published a consultation paper on liquidity risk, the topic has appeared on the agenda at industry events. But market participants are concerned about tight deadlines and costly implementations. Carla…