Financial Instrument Global Identifier (Figi)
How FIGI Helps Track Swaps Lifecycles
In this month's contributed "Industry Warehouse" column, Bloomberg's Richard Robinson highlights the identifier's value
Golden Copy: Maybe It's Not a Tale of Two Identifiers
Could there be a standard that helps market participants find liquidity?
Golden Copy: Desperately Seeking Standards
Competing identifier formats, as well as proprietary APIs, raise interest in standardization
Not Just Another ID in a Database
ISIN Controversy Rises Again in Europe
OMG Adopts FIGI Identifier Standard
Standards consortium recognizes instrument identifier
OMG Adopts FIGI Standard
Object Management Group (OMG) has officially adopted Bloomberg's Financial Instrument Global Identifier (FIGI) Standard to unify financial instrument identifiers.
Bloomberg Hires Robinson For Open Symbology
Richard Robinson to manage symbology initiative and FIGI identifier group
Getting A Full Report
Demand for more complete and well-prepared data reporting could lead one to consider collaborative efforts that point the way to better data reporting
OMG Chooses Bloomberg Symbology For Spec
The Object Management Group standards consortium is considering Bloomberg's Open Symbology as the basis for its Financial Instrument Global Identifier specification