Fidelity ActionsXchange Adds Material Events
Strapline: Corporate Actions
CFTC 30-Minute Rule Likely to Change Desk Operations
Strapline: Regulation & Standards
ISITC Live: In Conversation With Past Chairs
Michael Shashoua reported live from ISITC in Boston on March 26 on the 20th anniversary panel with ISITC past chairs.
Putting Efficiency and Centralization Hand in Hand
Reference data managers may see centralized data as a road to efficiency, but shouldn't forget about accuracy and risk management in the process
FPL Releases Support For Fixed-Income Trading
Strapline: Regulation & Standards
The Medium Is (Not Just) The Message
Strapline: Interview With
Selerity Rolls Out Dividend Event Feed
Dividend data will provide users with insight into factors affecting options price movements