Data management
Video: Industry Expert Grody on the Central Counterparty for Data Management
Allan Grody, president, Financial Intergroup Advisers, speaks to Tine Thoresen about the central counterparty for data management and the group's current activities in the reference data space
Looking for More Data Management Talent
Experts believe now is the time to attract new faces to the data management industry. But what specific skills are employers looking for? Carla Mangado explores the current data management staffing situation
Ongoing Ref Data Utility Discussions Lead to Growing Concerns
To what extent a reference data utility is the inevitable way forward for the industry has sparked debate in the data management world. Carla Mangado explores the concerns and expectations of this year’s Sibos attendees on the utility, and on achieving…
Reference Data Utility Discussions Reveal Practitioners' Growing Concerns
Discussions regarding the reference data utility at Sibos revealed practitioners' concerns are on the rise
New Talent Pool for Data Management Remains Narrow, Say Experts
While many data veterans agree there is now a need to bring in new talent to the data space, finding the right candidates remains challenging
Data Integration Becomes Growing Challenge for Risk Teams, Say Panelists
Despite ongoing efforts to link up systems, the lack of data integration represents an ongoing challenge both for data and risk management teams, said speakers at the European Financial Information Conference
Panelists: Back-Office Systems Integration a Must
Ever-increasing client requirements for truly global services are pushing firms to further integrate back-office systems
S&P to Set Up Shanghai Data Quality Centre, Expands Metrics Efforts
Standard & Poor's is expanding its data quality efforts in Asia-Pacific by setting up a data quality team in Shanghai
A New Outlook for Data Governance
Data Governance: From Concept to Reality
J.P. Morgan Global Collateral Engine Release Leads to Further Data Integration Efforts
Speakers at the European Financial Information Summit said data integrity is the main operational goal behind J.P. Morgan’s global collateral engine initiative
Panelists: “Partnership with Regulators Remains Unlikely but Key to Proceed”
Panelists at the European Financial Information Summit said the industry needs to build up a strong discussion with regulatory bodies, but this concept may still only be wishful thinking
FISD Panel: 'Data Management Needs New Ideas and Greater Motivation'
The need to bring in new talent to the data management space has become a recurrent topic of conversation at industry gatherings. Panelists at the FISD briefing held in London in September said there is a need to encourage new thinking and innovation in…
EDM Council Upgrades Semantics Repository and Plans Expansion of Coverage
The EDM Council continues to expand the coverage of its semantics repository
Panelists: Back-Office Systems Integration a Must
Speakers at the London SunGard City day held in London yesterday agreed the increasingly global nature of clients' requirements calls for more unified and integrated back-office systems
The Evaluated Prices Post-Crisis Challenge
The Problem with Pricing
Data Management Software Providers Explore New Deployment Options
Due to clients' changing demands, data management software providers are looking into new deployment strategies for their product lines
Who Could Be Director of the Office of Financial Research?
The Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform Act created a new position in the US government—that of the director of the Office of Financial Research, a new data collection and analysis center. Tine says the best candidate for the job may be in our own backyard.
Getting your data (ware)house in order
Up-to-date, accurate and verified benchmark data is becoming more and more important to asset managers. With tightened budgets and cost efficiencies to consider, outsourcing data provision and management can work to asset managers’ advantage. By Stephen…
SIFMA 2010
Time for Management
Panel: Regulatory Overhaul Pushing Firms to Tackle Data Challenges
Speakers at the SunGard New York City Day agreed the faster-moving regulatory agenda will push firms to tackle data challenges accordingly
Panelists Question Practicalities of Government-Run Ref Data Utility
Industry participants continue to question to what an extent the industry-wide database could be a viable option going forward