FlexiSphere Expands Senior Management
NEW YORK-Startup compute cloud provisioner FlexiSphere has expanded its management team with the hire of Bob DeSantis as the vendor's president and COO, officials tell DWT .
Paremus Adds Clients with Low-Latency Messaging
LONDON-Two unnamed global investment banks plan to have pilot implementations of the OSGi-based Paremus Service Fabric (PSF) from Paremus up and running this spring, vendor officials tell DWT .
Keeping an Eye on the Prize
I must apologize in advance to all theoretical physicists out there, but I recently heard a wonderful joke. A dairy owner is trying to figure out how to maximize his milk production so he writes to the smartest man he knows-his brother, the theoretical…
Tying Down the Cloud
Maybe it's me, but in all the discussion around the adoption of cloud computing, one topic has seemed to escape comment: How does cloud computing reconcile itself with the physical requirements of the trading world?